Saturday 3 November 2012

Coffee Mornings.

One of the nice traditions which has grown up in our village is the monthly Coffee Morning, held on the first Saturday in each month during the Winter.

I usually go with my friend, W, and her dog - Sophie.   She is good to go with as she lives in the heart of the village itself, whereas I live a mile outside down a country lane.   This means that she can tell me who's who as they come in through the door.   That way I meet a few new folk each month!

This month I heard on the grapevine that K (a lady with a reputation for good baking) had baked some quiches for the cake stall, so I managed to get there just as the village hall door opened at 10am - and I immediately bought a quiche.   That means half my baking done for the weekend - so thank-you K.

Sadly my dear friend, M, who usually does the raffle, was in hospital and so unable to be there.   However, it was run efficiently by two other friends, D and J, and I even won a prize.

Just as important as the coffee and biscuits (and the cake stall) is the chance to have a chat with various people I rarely see.   Our village has recently suffered severely from flooding, with many of the houses badly affected.   Alright, by Hurricane Sandy's passage down the East Coast of America, our flooding was nothing.   But if it has done anything good it is that it has brought the village together with a community spirit.   What we would call the Dunkirk Spirit I think.

Back home lunch cooked, a walk round the fields with the farmer and Tess, a decision as to where we intend to go for Sunday lunch for my birthday (The Grantley Arms, as it happens but more about that tomorrow) and now it is time to catch up on a few blogs - I always enjoy that.   


  1. You are a bsolutely right: a small place is a lot better than a big city, where you feel like an anonymous almost non existent person. We always say hello to people we pass in the street, even if we don't know them. It is a lot cosier than in a large city!
    Pat, I didn't know you had your birthday on the first of November! Anyway I wish you a great and happy new year !

  2. A BIG birthday, I think!
    MANY HAPPY RETURNS of the day.
    Your coffee morning sounds just my cup of tea -and so wise of you to get there promptly to snag the quiche.

    Things a bit rocky here still. For us the worst is over (we got power back on Friday evening) and our son and family have gone to relatives who got power back yesterday. The children --almost 3 and eight months-- had been getting cold.....
    my heart goes out to all those who lost everything.

    Finished reading Dorothy Whipple's Greenbanks during blackout. Highly recommended.

  3. I'm catching up all the time at the moment as I seem to be off here and there a lot and next week off to Belfast and down to the Castle Espie
    Nature reserve where my sister has her first major solo exhibition in Ireland . But I'll miss my blogger friends!!!

  4. The coffee morning sounds lovely.

    By the way, I've been meaning to tell you for some time how much I love the dog photos posted along the right hand edge of your posts. I particularly like the one of your dog sitting on the stairs, asking, "Are we going for a walk or what?" I have a dog (beagle) and dogs can be so funny.

    Thanks for so many interesting posts.

  5. The Coffee Morning sounds great.

    It's always nice to get something from where I've been out to eat and know someone else has cooked it with love.

    Happy Birthday.

  6. It sounds a lovely way to spend a morning Pat, and home baked goods are always a bonus.
    Do hope the effects of the flooding are not too disruptive and that people are able to remain in their homes.
    The suffering and disruption to life in the east of the USA is unimaginable.
    Enjoy your birthday lunch.

  7. Hope you have a lovely Birthday lunch !!
    Best Wishes...

  8. Why is it that what sounds so fascinating in the country would be heading towards the tedious in the town? Keep 'em coming, please!

  9. Loved the photo Pat - captured the community spirit. What a great way to keep in touch with everybody. Enjoy your birthday lunch on Sunday.
