Sunday 11 November 2012

A Time to Remember

Watching all those old veterans - the Chelsea Pensioners, the remaining members of Bomber Command, the standard bearers of the British Legion; and watching all those young faces marching proudly at the Royal Albert Hall Festival of Remembrance last night; and seeing all the politicians etc. standing there - I had one thought.   Those dignified parents who spoke of being so proud of their son who died fighting in Afghanistan just emphasised my thoughts.

Will we ever learn that war rarely achieves anything other than terrible suffering.   As somebody said (I think it was Laurence Binyon) 'They grow not old as we that are left grow old.'   But all those who die fighting in terrible wars, given the choice, I have no doubt would prefer to live to a ripe old age.


  1. So true Pat. When I see the words 'The Glorious Dead' inscribed on the Cenotaph I feel very angry. I don't think that their deaths were glorious - just horrible and terribly sad.
    We will remember them but will we ever learn?

  2. You speak for our hearts here, and very well!

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

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  3. If any question why we died/ Tell them, because our fathers lied.

    Corrected quote from yesterday's post!
    68'f here today.....
