Tuesday 30 October 2012


Are you a creature of habit or do you have the kind of life where you are able to wander through the hours at will?   Or do you indeed wish to wander at will rather than stick to a habit?

After a lifetime of teaching, when I had to be at school at a certain time then I got into a habit timewise.   Then I retired and for a few years we would get up when we woke up and go to bed when we were tired.  Things floated along just as we wished them to.

Then, of course, I was widowed and re-married a farmer.   There is little that is more prone to habit-forming than being a farmer, particularly a dairy farmer as the farmer was when I first married him.   Morning milking was at 6.30 and five minutes late and cows would let you know you were late.   Lunch had to be at a set time, so that if the farmer was working a few fields away he knew what time to come home.   Tea time had to take place just before evening milking.   And so the pattern went on - 365 days a year.

Now the farmer is semi-retired and could easily lapse into any old time, but old habits die hard.   He still gets up and goes to collect the daily papers at 6.30am; we still have lunch at 12.30 and tea at 5pm.   Even his two dog walks with Tess and Tip, the sheepdog, take place at 8am and 4.30pm.

This ordered life has spread over into other aspects too.  I still do the bulk of my weekly washing on a monday morning, while my cleaning lady is cleaning through; I still go to the supermarket every Tuesday morning and then on to have coffee with a friend; I still have coffee in the Golden Lion every Friday morning at 10am with a group of friends.  There are also monthly meetings, like my writing group which meets on the first Wednesday in the month, and my Poetry group that meets around about the last Wednesday in the month.

Am I a boring old f***?   Or is this regularity good for me as I come up to my 80th birthday tomorrow?   Speaking of which - I can't decide whether or not to have a tattoo done on my right shoulder as a way of breaking out.   Now that would be a departure from habit, wouldn't it?    


  1. Can't believe you're going to be 80 Weaver! If routine works for you then keep doing it...

  2. "They" say a daily routine is best for us, especially as we age. But, it seems to me that sometimes just doing whatever and whenever is a nice change.

  3. I so agree with @Rachel Fox. If your routine is working for you keep it.
    From what you write it seems your always open for friends who stop by and quick lunches here and there, so I think you have the best of both worlds.
    80 years old tomorrow ? I can't believe it !

    Happy Birthday and let there be cake !

    cheers, parsnip

  4. Go on have that tattoo on the shoulder and shock em all Weaver!!I have a bit of a routine when I get up first thing in the morning the usuall breakfast,washing in,making beds ect and last thing at night before I go to bed making sure everything is tidy no dirty pots left out but the rest of the day is just as it comes I used to have a strict routine when my children where young but now lifes a bit more laid back.My grandma always had a routine and lived to be 93 so maybe something is said in it.Happy birthday for tomorrow hope you have a lovely day.Lots of love Jill xx

  5. Happy Birthday, Pat. The great thing about your journey at this point is that you can do what you please. Personally, I have a few routines that provide structure in my life. On the whole, however, I prefer to greet the day with more options than obligations.

    By the way, we made it safely through Sandy, though the eye of the hurricane passed within 50 miles of our house and we were clearly projected to be within the zone of destruction.

  6. A very Happy Birthday to you tomorrow Pat and I think the tattoo on the shoulder is a great idea!
    We too are creatures of habit and I find it makes life easier, although we are capable of flexibility if other things crop up and need fitting in around our routine.

  7. Happy Birthday!

    I don't like needles so wouldn't consider a tatoo, although a henna one lasts for awhile and is painless.

    I do like a bit of routine--just enough infrastructure to keep things humming along, but with enough latitude to allow for new things to enter.

  8. I hope you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow Pat. I cannot believe that you are going to be eighty!

    There is a certain amount of habit and routine when you have animals to feed and care for and my days and weeks do have a pattern, but I`m always happy to change things if there is good reason. Teaching makes you flexible and spontaneous when the time is right!

  9. That was a great post ... congratulations on reaching the big eight-O ....I have another 15 years to go ...I hope I make it.
    I think your ordered but busy life is what keeps you going and young of mind. Routine may be the answer to a long and happy life for many of us....maybe I need to think about that.
    Happy Birthday for tomorrow.xx

  10. Happy Birthday!
    I don't often comment, but I do so enjoy your blog - so I hope the routine of writing is one that continues.
    As a very disorganized person, I rather envy those who are organized and can work to a routine. It also gives you the opportunity to break out occasionally!
    Enjoy your special day and the new year it opens!
    Barbara x

  11. Happy birthday! For myself, I have to have routines or I would forget things - leave my lunch at home, for instance & we can't have that!

  12. Happy birthday! Surely that's a typing error... you can't possibly be 80!

  13. Happy birthday! I don't comment often but I read your blog every day - and I too hope you keep writing as part of your routine! Best wishes, Lisa

  14. Have a wonderful Birthday.

  15. Wow, I wish you a Happy Birthday for tomorrow, that is a milestone. As for being a creature of habit well as others have said if it works for you keep doing it lol! My Mum is 83, not in good health, just been diagnosed with cancer and has dementia but even 10 years ago she wouldn't have dared to go near a computer. I wish you well and look forward to reading your new posts every morning when I get up here in Aus, keep it up. :):):)

  16. With best wishes, and have a really Happy Birthday.

  17. We are farmers too and although I left the farm to pursue a career many years ago I still go to bed at the same time every night and get up at 6.30 am and have tea at the same time and dinner at 12 everyday regardless of where I am. You can't beat a good daily routine for a good night's sleep!
    Happy birthday for tomorrow; I was watching Miami Ink the other night and a lady of v. mature years came along and had a tattoo (her initial on her shoulder) and everybody thought it was marvellous. Over to you!

  18. Ouch - a painful way to celebrate your birthday, but go for it anyway! We are more or less creatures of habit, but as Bill is still working as a consulting engineer, surprising things sometimes happen! Happy birthday for tomorrow. Cheers.

  19. Happy Birthday!

    I like a mix of habit and spontaneity, that way the habits ground me and the spontaneity adds interest, but as Rachel says, whatever works for you!

  20. Happy birthday and thanks for this post, pat. I've actually given this a lot of thought in the past, but I still haven't made up my mind if regular schedules are a good thing or a bad thing.

    I'm sure we need some of both in our life to maintain our sanity. If I hadn't had summer breaks I could never have continued to teach for 30 years.

    As I age I find that I need a more regular schedule if I'm going to function well. Since my wife is still working, going to bed early and getting up early works best for me.

    Perhaps when she retires I'll revert to staying up late and getting up later, which is my more natural tendency. But, since she's a "morning" person I might be stuck slightly out of step the rest of my life.

  21. HAPPY 80th BIRTHDAY ... at least he gets out of the house from under foot to give you "space" here and there throughout the day. Take him along and get "matching" tattoos? that would mix it all up a bit.

  22. Happy Birthday!!! I'm curious as to what your tattoo would be.? Hope you have a wonderful day!!

  23. Wishing you a delightful 80th,
    and many happy birthdays ahead!

    Habit is healthful (not vice - habits of course) but isn't it delightful to do as one wishes, as one juggles the tasks of life like laundry and marketing? Glad to share my sweet days with YOU,
    Aloha from Waikiki, my Friend
    Comfort Spiral

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  24. Happy Birthday! I just DON'T BELIEVE you're turning 80!! Enjoy the cake, and the candles, and do whatever makes you happy! I wouldn't go for the tattoo myself, but I agree a henna one would be fun!

    Best wishes for a lovely day, and a happy year ahead - filled with wonderful pictures and stories for your blog.

  25. As I write, it is already your birthday in the UK - so Happy Birthday, Pat!
    I'm a creature of habit, by choice. In most of my life I had little say in the big decisions - the Air Force was the boss. Life could be a little chaotic at times. I longed for routine and a little 'same old'. I'm still not tired of it!

  26. Get the tattoo! Absolutely!! Being a self-employed person (as a farmer would be) I find that I have had to be rigidly goal oriented to be successful. I allow myself 1 day a week to abandon the clock and goals and the rigid schedule and just drift. It works well. You should keep your routine
