Monday 3 September 2012

Want a good read?

I have just read a really lovely book by an author I had not come across before, Bella Pollen. It is not her first book which is also exciting because it means I have several more to read.

We have quite a small library here and I often think that the books never change, but I have certainly never seen books by this author during my previous searches.

'The Summer of the Bear' is a novel basically about a woman's search for answers to the death of her husband in mysterious circumstances and her attempts to keep her three children together on an island in the Outer Hebrides. It is a mystery story, a ghost story, a love story - all rolled into one. If you want a good read, do look out for it.

Dry weather is forecast here for the whole week, so it is all stations go as the farmer bites the bullet and cuts all his grass for second-crop silage. It is not hot but the sun is out and there is quite a keen wind blowing - just the right conditions at this time of the year particularly as the ground is so very wet following our wet summer. So keep your fingers crossed for a good, dry week and a good crop of silage at the end of it, so that the barn is nicely filled with winter feed.


  1. Hope that the weather holds until our farmers have cut whatever crops need cutting. What a dreadful year they have had. A few full barns will hopefully redeem the situation, if only partly.
    I will look out for that book - it sounds like a good one, though I hardly need another as there is a pile waiting for my attention!

  2. I'll look out for that book - it sounds worth reading, though as Heather said, I have a pile waiting my attention. I have just started An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon, as I am having a "season" of her books.

    Fingers crossed your husband and your neighbours get their 2nd silage crop cut and safely in.

  3. Hope the weather stays fair. I don't think there is any other career that is so at the mercy of the elements as farming, and those who can do it, are to be commended.

    The books sounds fascinating, and I will ask for it at my library. I agree that it's wonderful to find a new author who has a number of books out -- a whole new vein to be mined!

    Thanks for the hint. xoxo

  4. I looked at the sat images and there's not much rain about in Europe at the moment apart from NW Scotland, Provence, Italy near Rome and the islands Sardinia and Corsica.

  5. Hooray for dry - not a drop of rain here today, unusually, though strongish winds are on the way (they say).

    Aren't small libraries like that! You don't think you'll find anything you haven't seen on a previous visit and dismissed, and then, bing! an intriguing new title that gives every appearance of having been there forever.

  6. An excellent recommendation. Co-incidently Cait O' Connor had book recommendations today.
    I just finished Harriet by Elizabeth Jenkins a reprint of a 1935 true crime book. Very well done.(Persephone Books)
    Weather still too hot here! Hope harvesting goes well.

  7. Thanks for this, I am actually looking for a good read and will order this one from the library now.

  8. Hmm, the rain has now arrived in South West Scotland.

  9. Crossed fingers, Pat. Will look for this author in our local library - sometimes it is hard to get UK publications.

  10. I hope you have filled barns, here I am feeling the affects of the first hay fever of spring!
    We are having a quite warm and windy day and bang, itchy eyes and a filled nose.I had hoped to do some gardening but experience says, stay inside.
    I have just enjoyed reading a Margery Allingham book I found in the op shop, an Albert Campion I hadnt read called the case of the late pig, such fun. I dont suppose people read them any more.

  11. have a dry productive week!

    Aloha from Honolulu,
    my friend
    Comfort Spiral

  12. Fingers well and truly crossed. The forecast is similar for us.

  13. I've never read anything by Bella POllen though her name is familiar. I'll definitely look out for this one though, Outer Hebrides being the magical words here...

  14. Thanks for visiting - hope you manage to find the book and then enjoy reading it. Please call again.
