Saturday 22 September 2012

Sheep Shop.

Yes, after a break of a few days (sorry, too many things on) I have two 'sheepy' stories for you today.

First of all, an explanation for the two photographs above (assuming that when I finish this blog I can see how the new version of blogger allows me to post photographs).  Because I now have a shake in my hands, I can no longer do much in the way of embroidery.   So I intend to crochet an afghan rug over the Winter.   As the farmer quite rightly says - after the first few squares it will serve the dual purpose of giving me something to do on the days when the weather is too awful to go out and at the same time it will keep me warm.

To this end I went the half mile or so down the road to our Wensleydale Sheep Shop.    This is a marvellous shop on the farm where they keep Wensleydale Sheep (a rare breed) and have the wool spun and dyed/  They sell wool and also finished knitted garments.   The little shop is a joy to go in and no distance to travel.
Go and have a look at their web site if you wish to know more.

I chose a few colours to get me started and shall do so on the first wet day.

Last night nine of us friends went out for a Chinese in our little market town of Leyburn.  We do this now and again and it is always a jolly occasion.    Friend, S, who works as a volunteer 'trolley dolly' on our Wensleydale Railway told us the most hilarious story - which I shall now tell to you.  I shall call it 'The Sheep who achieved fame'!

As S was preparing her trolley someone came up to her and said that there was a sheep in the Gift Shop.  I suppose at first she thought it was a sheep toy or something; whatever the reason, she didn't take it seriously until he repeated - THERE IS A SHEEP IN THE SHOP!!!

She went into the shop and for an instant couldn't see a sheep anywhere - that is until she went behind the counter, where sure enough, there was a full-grown sheep, who quickly shot out of the shop and on to the Station Platform.

She was worried that the sheep would get on to the line, as there was a train due (the line runs from Leyburn to Leeming Bar, then back through Leyburn and on to Redmire - maybe five miles away.  There it remains a few minutes and then returns to Leyburn to begin its journey all over again).   This is a tourist train and not a main line train.   In an effort to remove it from the area of the railway line, she shooed it in the other direction and it ran out of the station ad on to the Main Road, where there are serious road works.

She rang the Police, who responded quite quickly and removed it.   But of course, no-one knew who the sheep belonged to, except it seemed to be from somewhere in the town.   That is, until the little train chugged in from Redmire.   Then the driver of the train asked if they had seen a sheep.

Apparently the sheep had been on the railway line and the train had had to go slow, all the way from Redmire, waiting for the sheep to move off the line.   Where is the sheep now?   I suppose only the policeman who moved it off the road knows - but as all sheep are now electronically tagged, no doubt it will get back to its flock eventually.

My goodness me, we do get a lot of excitement up here in The Dales.

Sorry - I can't get the photos to load.   If any kind soul reading this - one who is more computer-literate than I am - knows how I can dump the new systemn and go back to the 'classic' system which has served me well for years - please give me simple instructions!


  1. Shout for Dominic! He'll come to your rescue. Our youngest daughter is my 'technical adviser'. However, your words paint such a clear picture we hardly need photos too, lovely though they are.
    Love the sheep story - perhaps we'll see the photos another day.
    Keep warm - there is a nip in the air even down here. I admire your resistance to temptation in waiting for a wet day to start work on your Afghan blanket.

  2. What a funny story!

    I'm still with old blogger so can't help with your problem. Were you automatically thrown into new blogger?

  3. Poor fellow, hunkered down behind the counter after all his adventures, only to have them begin again!

  4. We were in Layburn today Pat after a tootle in the new car! Will definitely be in touch - will bring along the other Mrs Nesbitt for a coffee eh?
    As for the photos - I now use Firefox but all very complicated my dear! Give me a shout if you can't get sorted!

  5. oh Pat one of my techies has just gone home after coming for tea and doing her art homework!! she taught me how to use a memory stick so that I can take some pics to jessops to be printed...feeling good about that!

  6. I love the sheep story. I must still be on an older system as my photos are still loading - not lways how I want them to, but at least they show up!

  7. Just for a moment I had a vision of you sitting by the fireside with a hedgehog on your knee.

  8. the first time blogger threw me into the new system i found a way to the old via the "settings" tool (a wrench)--but this time, it is not there or I haven't found it yet. why don't they let us have the old one, it was more efficient.
    Always enjoy your stories.

  9. I am still suffering from new bloggeritis - but hopefully my son will sort me out before long. Thanks for visiting.

  10. Blogger has removed the old system. Once you've been pushed onto the new one there's no way back. I hate it.
