Monday 17 September 2012

A New Tractor?

The farmer is contemplating exchanging one of his tractors for a more powerful one, so that it will pull the slurry tank uphill more easily. To that end, today, we had a lovely drive over to the Lake District, to our tractor supplier.

It was very changeable weather - one minute sunny, the next heavy cloud and pouring rain. But I am a sucker for a day out - Tess is too. We came back via a completely different route, passing through various Dales villages.

I have taken some photographs from the moving car, which I post above. They are not very good, but I couldn't keep asking the farmer to stop - so I had to take pot luck. We stopped at a super cafe we know and had sausage and mash for lunch - it was absolutely delicious.

Has he bought the tractor? Oh dear me, it is far too early to say - still lots of deliberating to do.


  1. Sunshine and showers I see, Weaver! Much the same here. And I love sausage and mash, particularly with onion gravy.
    Good luck re the tractor.

  2. I would love a tractor ( just for an afternoon though)
    I would drive it very SLOWLY around and would insist I have an old fashioned hooter ON IT!

  3. I see it takes as long to buy a tractor there as here.

  4. Wonderful country to drive through

    Wishing You a happy week,
    with Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  5. The photos are great, my husband has a tractor fetish but we haven't enough land to warrant one, doesn't stop him from looking though.


  6. I think your photos are lovely !
    You live in a beautiful place.

    cheers, parsnip

  7. One of the most important skills of a farmer is to spend a long time considering the pros and cons of buying new machinery. Then to buy it anyway!

  8. I would imagine negotiating a tractor deal is a long and subtle art, Pat! Perhaps more trips needed — plus lovely lunch stops?

  9. Always geekily interested in a tractor choice. Local farmer friends seem to be keen on Italian Same ones as opposed to the usual suspects!

  10. The scenery is still beautiful no matter what the weather is doing. Your photos have turned out very well having been taken from a moving car. A new tractor is a big outlay so much deliberation is very wise. It'll look very different from the first one I remember seeing!

  11. Yes - still deliberating - I think John has hit the nail on the head in his comment. When things are finally decided, I shall - of course - blog about it.
