Saturday 25 August 2012

The Wensleydale Show.

Always on the last Saturday in August, our local show was held today. The weather forecast was not promising and the field was a bit of a quagmire once all the exhibitors had driven in and out. But all in all, the weather held off until mid-afternoon and the ground was just about navigable, although the car park was a bit slippery as it is on a slope.

There was no drop in numbers and by the time we arrived at 11.30 there were hundreds there and it was all in full swing. The cattle tent is always our first port of call as our friend and neighbour always shows his Holstein cattle. He got the Supreme Championship this time with the one in the photograph and the little Jersey calf in the background, which is also his, won a first prize - so he was well-satisfied.

The heavy horse classes are always fun to watch as these large Shire horses are so magnificent. Also in the ring at the same time were the carriage ponies, including a lovely little cart pulled by a very perky and obedient donkey.

In the produce and handicraft marquee there was a distinct shortage of vegetables as this has been such a very bad year for vegetables up here. But there was no shortage of cakes and pastries in the competition and the same goes for the flowers - glorious sweet peas.

In the handicrafts there was a stand celebrating the Queen's Jubilee where every exhibit was knitted. There is a photograph of it above. Even the cup cakes were quite convincing.

One of my favourite tents is always the Poultry tent and I have added one or two photographs from that exhibition to show you. There are so many photographs that I am putting half on today and the other half tomorrow.

We arrived home at 3.30, just as it began to rain heavily - but by then the show was winding down and at least the crowds had gone, so that the show would not lose an enormous amount of money. They rely on their gate money to keep them going and I would think that numbers were well up this year. There are always a lot of holidaymakers and visitors to the Dales there too. Enjoy the photographs. I am off to put my feet up!


  1. Oh yes! I certainly would have come to the show. It looks so wonderful with the beautiful lifestock and the delicious cakes!

  2. I love the smaller country shows and haven't been to one for years. Congratulations to your friend for his success - all the animals and poultry in your photos look in wonderful condition. I can imagine all the feverish preparations to get them ready for today.
    We were having lunch in the garden when the clouds rolled over and it started to thunder. We had just carried everything inside when the heavens opened, and it poured down. Looking forward to tomorrow's post and more lovely pics.

  3. Wonderful Photos.
    The animals all look so lovely and I do adore the big Shire Horses.
    The chickens are especially beautiful.

    Can't wait for tomorrow photos.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. I love county shows - but they are hard work!

  5. What wonderful photos! :) I love Shires. They're my favorite of the work horses. (I like the Belgians too though.) And i love the end-of-summer, early fall fairs. They're beautiful. So much to see and so many neat people to meet!

  6. An obedient donkey, no less! Didn't know there was such a thing. He should have got a prize of his own.

  7. agree about the donkey Chris - I too didn't know such a thing as an obedient donkey existed.
    Glad you enjoyed the photographs - more today.

  8. I've just got back from the Fenland Country Show which is taking place all weekend (3 days) as so many other local shows have been washed out this year. Your show looks splendid, would have liked to have been there!
