Wednesday 4 July 2012

Writers' Group.

This morning was our writers' group meeting. As usual in the summer months, there were not
so many there. Several away on holiday and one or two not well. There was one new member, so
there were just six of us.

I felt the topic set "water" was too wide, and for me rather uninspiring. But there were some really good efforts. The fact that there were only six of us meant that we could have much more discussion and I thought it was an excellent morning.

I came away quite inspired and raring to go on next month's piece, which is an Open Manuscript.
Any ideas for a topic, anyone?


  1. I am impressed. I shie away from writing to a set theme; it just doesn't seem relevant or real to me and I can't make my mind do it. I admire people who can.

  2. If I had been a member of your group I would have taken the obvious choice for 'water' and written something about rain!!
    I would imagine that it's not easy to write to a given theme. Open Manuscript sounds even more difficult - music? draft for a book? medieval manuscript? or could it mean simply that you can write whatever you wish? I'm sure you will create something beautiful.

  3. Open manuscript - the world is your oyster.

  4. funny animal stories, since you have so many around! And these are always heartwarming.

  5. Done one piece about blogging today - shall now keep reading the magazines and papers I take for inspiration - still three weeks to go so plenty of time. Thanks for suggestions and for visiting.
