Saturday 30 June 2012

No Special Photograph.

I was hoping that I might have a very special photograph for you today.

Amongst our fields there is one very neglected field which does not belong to us. Nothing has been done to it this year and the grass is very long and full of weeds and briars. For the past week there has been a female deer in the field.

When a deer sees a human it usually runs away, clears the nearest fence and disappears into the distance. However, there is an exception to this. If the deer has had a baby it will move just a few yards and watch the intruder carefully hoping that he or she will go away. And this is exactly what has happened here. Today we approached the site carefully (in the next field, which belongs to us) and peeped over the fence, but there was nothing to be seen - just a flattened hollow where something has been lying. We assume that she has moved the baby on.

I just hope they are both safe and sound and snug and warm somewhere. July tomorrow and there has been a downpour here this afternoon and the temperature is more like early April than July. Still, as the farmer is fond of saying - we have to take what comes.


  1. You live in a magical special place.

    cheers, parsnip

  2. Lovely story about the deer.
    So sorry you are so chilly .
    It is 93'F here, so am feeling wilted and pathetic.
    Hope you manage to survive the cakeless week!

    Maybe think raspberries and peaches!

  3. How lovely to find that little flattened hollow in the grass - I hope mother and baby are well too. There is not much we can do about the weather other than cope with it, but it would be nice to have a 'proper' English summer.

  4. How wonderful.
    I do love deer and often wonder how someone could just shoot one. Such soulful creatures. I hope you get a glimpse of the little one.

  5. The farmer has some very wise sayings, we will indeed have to take what comes. I hope that includes some sunny summer days and less gloom.

  6. I'm glad there was a spare field. They'll be fine.

  7. That's disappointing. But what a lovely place you live in!

  8. I've only seen a wild deer twice, but one of those was in Yorkshire. Like you, I hope mum and baby are both safe and snug.

  9. You know, I sometimes want to say something but don't have a photo to go with it. I do like your cows header. Have a great week.

  10. I know what you mean about the temperature. on Dartmoor, it's more like October at the moment!

  11. Still no sign of them so I think they must have gone off over the fields and away. Thanks for visiting.
