Friday 22 June 2012


Today was the birthday of a dear old friend who lives in the village. This afternoon I went round for a cup of tea and found that her daughter had come up from London (quite a drive) for her birthday and had brought her a batch of cup cakes that she had made and a cup cake stand to put them on.
She took a photograph for me to put on my blog (I had forgotten my camera). It has just taken me half an hour to find out how to transfer it from an e mail to my blog - but as you can see from the picture it has been well worth it - the display is delightful and I can assure you that the cakes are delicious. Lucky M - have a lovely birthday. While I was there she had a constant stream of visitors and I am not surprised. She is such a good friend to so many in the village and she remembers everyone's birthday - consequently they all reciprocate when hers comes round.

I just wish the sun could have shone for her. Happy birthday M and many more to come.


  1. Those cupcakes do look good enough to eat. I hope there were enough to go around.

  2. What a cheerful group of cupcakes! I love the addition of the Unions Jacks, as well! Yes, that cat we saw yesterday was an odd one - he was very large and surprisingly muscular and whatever was down that hole had his full attention!

  3. Cakes fit for a queen, I should think. My brother's birthday too.

  4. Delicious looking cupcakes - they look very professional too. Glad your friend had such a lovely birthday - no doubt the company of so many good friends compensated for the lack of sunshine.

  5. That`s a clever cake stand.

    Many happy returns for your village friend.

  6. delightful display!

    Thanks for your kind comment today. Did you notice my shout-out to English Farm Country?

    Have a GREAT Weekend!

    Aloha from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

    > < } } (°>


  7. That looks great! It's convinced me to purchase one of those cake stands, and decorate around a theme. May your friend celebrate many more enjoyable birthdays.

  8. The cakes sure look delicious. Shame about the sun. It's been that sort of summer so far - here at any rate.

  9. Patriotic and charming. What a super idea.
    Hope your friend had a super birthday.

    You can arrange cupcakes as below for a child's near Christmas birthday party


    This is just in case you have little else to do!

  10. Unknown is me

    gosh getting hacked on hotmail has turned into more of a disaster than I thought initially!

  11. Wish you had all been here to share in those delicious cupcakes. Thanks for visiting.

  12. I'm not sure I quite grasp the "cupcake" concept yet.... in MY day, we had butterfly buns..... and they're basically the same thing but without loads of buttercream on top.... they just had a bit of buttercream in the middle..... so basically they're just buns.... why do we now call them cupcakes.... too american-yankee-doodle-dandy for me by far!!
