Wednesday 9 May 2012


Before too long I shall do a post about the farmer's sheepdog, Tip. Hopefully it will be accompanied by a few photographs. He is a tough dog and lives outside in the shed on a bed of straw. He is well protected from the weather but because he has never been indoors his coat is very thick and keeps him warm. Of course, he can't come in because he has never been house-trained.

Unlike the young lady in the photograph above who is not allowed on the furniture. Well that's the idea but as you can see, when the central heating is on the bench under the kitchen window is just too tempting and she manages to get up on it, lay her head on the pillow and go to sleep. And I just have not got the heart to move her. I should have done it the first time I caught her, because it is too late now.

She is great friends with Blackie, the farm cat and it is only a matter of time before he joins her on the bench!


  1. She has the look of a dog who knows she shouldn't...but who also knows its just too good not to.

  2. It's amazing what we let our pets do, isn't it?

  3. Tess is so adorable, I'd let her up on the bench too.
    Tip is probably better off outside if he has to endure harsh conditions. Living indoors would make him much softer and his working life harder. I'm sure they both receive equal amounts of care and love.

  4. awwwwwwwwwwww, I guess Blackie is not one of the wild cats that you take care of ?
    How could you even think of moving her. So comfy.
    She reminds me so much of my Samantha who was the same breed. I miss her so much. She was a great dog and my best friend.
    Love the pillow that she is resting her head on.
    Can't wait to see some photos of Tip.
    How are the chickens ?

    cheers, parsnip

  5. I wouldn't dream of moving her, so sweet.

    I like the fabric on the bench and the pillow. It shouts "COZY" and Tess couldn't resist the call.

  6. A heart for animals indicates
    a great heart!

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } (°>

  7. Intriguing post, both pics and text.

  8. I certainly couldn't move Tess from that prime spot on the bench! Rory is similarly indulged - just one chair, mind you.

  9. I love that little dog! So many of my dogs have been terriers--

  10. "Let sleeping dogs lie" they say - and she deserves a warm spot now and then!

    Do share more about Tip when you have time......I love working doggies too!


  11. Both Edward and Apple have their favourite chairs and, you are so right, they look much too cute and comfortable to move!

  12. Tess is a very sensible little dog. I would leave her there too.

  13. Animals are very smart when it comes to ferreting out the best spots for an afternoon nap :)

  14. Hope all is going well with you :)

  15. Sending best wishes and hoping all is well there.
