Tuesday 3 April 2012

Small crisis.

Well, more of an inconvenience really.
When I returned home from the supermarket and various shopping things this morning, there was a message on my answer-phone from the farmer to say that he had a major tractor breakdown and was stranded in our neighbour's farmyard.

Lunch was already in the oven (here on the farm, meals have to be dead on time) but the farmer asked if I could take him something to eat so that he could hang around and wait for the mechanic to arrive. Out here in the Yorkshire Dales, tractor mechanics are not exactly two a penny and this one had to come from Levens in Cumbria, around fifty miles in fact.

It is a cold, wet day here and the poor old farmer had to wait in dismal conditions. I made him a plate of pate sandwiches, tomatoes, two oat chocolate biscuits and a banana, covered it in cling film and drove round with it. "Have you brought me a drink?" was his first question! I had never thought of making a thermos of coffee.

Luckily, good friends S and M live more or less next door to the farmyard and within five minutes had provided a flask of hot coffee. Now the mechanic is working on the tractor and - hopefully - the farmer will be home for a hot shower before too long.


  1. Hot shower - best part of my swimming routine...ie the end of it!

  2. A farmer's wife has to be ready for anything by the sound of it - rather like the farmer himself. Glad it was all resolved safely and only resulted in a bit of discomfort and inconvenience. Plus some expense for the repair work!

  3. Tell the Farmer he is really lucky to be married to you!

  4. What a considerate tractor you have; breaking down in a neighbour's farmyard. Ours used to choose a remote, muddy corner of a remote, muddy field. Hope problem is now resolved.

  5. Thank goodness you were there to save the day. Now all you need is the cash to pay for the repairs. Too bad!

  6. Hope you got fixed OK. Bitter east wind brought horizontal snow to us this afternoon (thankfully it hasn't stuck - yet). That wind would have come whistling past you first, bet it was cold hanging around in the yard waiting for the mechanic.

  7. What a pain! Machinery is so useful and we take it for granted, but when it stops working...

    Hope the farmer didn't have to hang around in the cold for too long.

  8. It's no fun to be stranded in the damp and cold - I imagine that such a yummy lunch would have been very welcome!

  9. Bless his heart. Great lunch.

  10. Glad to hear it was a "small" crisis and was able to be fixed.
    Lunch sounded rather nice, even if eaten in the cold and thank goodness for wonderful neighbor. I bet the warm coffee was much appreciated.

    cheers, parsnip

  11. alls well that ends well.
    Thanks for the comments.

  12. I suppose it would not have happened on a warm sunny day would it?
