Friday 6 April 2012

A friend, W, and I went yesterday to our nearest shopping complex - Teeside Park - and to Saint Marks and Spencer. I must say that in spite of the North East being such a depressed area as far as work is concerned (and I am sure it is) there was absolutely no shortage of spenders there. The car park was full and the shops were full of people stocking up their trolleys for the Easter break.

In spite of the terrible blizzards of two days ago here in the Dales, there was no sign of snow on the journey and plenty of signs of Spring. The hedges were in full leaf and the blossom was out; the sun was shining and people were in T shirts. It was only when you lifted your eyes to the North York Moors in the distance that you saw the snow gleaming in the sunshine.

Thousands of lambs have perished on the North York Moors and many places there are still without electricity. Even here in our village one local farmer has lost eighty six of his new born lambs. It is such a tragedy as this has so far been a good lambing year and the lambs were out in the sunshine and doing well. Sadly the snow was the wet, heavy kind and it finished many of them off.

W tells me that there is a nesting semi-wild duck in our village - white so hardly camouflaged - which has chosen to nest on top of a garden wall on the side of the road in full view of all passers by. She sounds like a modern-day Jemima Puddleduck of Beatrix Potter fame and I fully expect the outcome to be the same as that of Jemima, for as Potter says, ducks are usually 'bad sitters' and with her farming background she knew what she was talking about.

One last thing before I go today. Has anyone else noticed the over use of two words on television these days? Everything seems to be either fantastic or incredible. According to my dictionary fantastic can mean splendid, excellent, amazing and incredible can mean difficult or impossible to believe, unusually good. Wouldn't it be nice if now and again presenters could use another word instead? I counted the words in a programme the other night and the word 'fantastic' was used fourteen times during the course of the programme. In another programme there were eleven 'incredibles'.

The presenters are obviously not from North Yorkshire, and certainly not from the North Yorkshire Farming community. The farmer, along with others up here, is much more sparing with his praise. Something might be not bad, alright, quite good or quite enjoyable but that is about his limit. The only time I have ever heard him go over the top was when he had a ride in a hot air balloon for his fiftieth birthday - sadly the word he used to describe the experience was, yes - you've guessed it - FANTASTIC!


  1. But at least that was an outstanding experience. My teens and their friends drive me crackers with "awesome". Lipstick, socks, cake, Eastenders. Sends me into a frenzy of eyerolling (their) correction. I tell them the ocean is awesome, a volcano is awesome. I explain the proper meaning, on one ridiculous and hilarious (to them) occasion I got the dictionary out. I am a great source of amusement to them. I say come and look at this comment I'm writing. "yeah, Mum," she said "awesome".

  2. I do agree about the overuse of certain words but think that the farmer's description of his hot air balloon ride could have been correct, especially as he probably doesn't overuse that word. Mumasu is right about 'awesome'.
    My heart goes out to those unfortunate farmers who have suffered such dreadful losses with their lambs. Farming seems to be a heartrending occupation on too many occasions.
    Our climate is certainly becoming very capricious. No snow for us so far, but quite a hard frost this morning and thick ice on the bird bath.

  3. The latest buzz word here is ICONIC
    as in an iconic dessert
    an iconic car design
    iconic everything

    fantastic might be a nice change!

    so very sad about the lambs

  4. April, April,
    It does what it will.

    We always have two fine weeks at the end of April. Then on the 1st May they open the outdoor swimming pool and, you've guessed it, we have two not-so-fine weeks. I'll be interested to see if this year is any different. We've had a relatively mild winter in the east of Austria.

  5. I did fear that the cold snap would have a drastic effect on the spring lambs, sad to read that this was the case.

    Have to agree with Elizabeth, I hear iconic used almost everyday. and can I also add the word legend.


  6. What a shame about the lambs. I hope the duck raises some ducklings successfully, that would be fantastic!

  7. What was the cause of thew loss of so many lambs? I am so sorry for the farmers. We had some strange weather, cold, windy but another day sunny and warm.
    I wish you an awesome, or as my grandchildren say:"a Cool Easter Sunday"!

  8. Sorry to hear about the lambs. What a difference a day can make.

    I was laughing so hard at @mumasu comment, awesome !

    I remember the words from the 60's "stoked" was one you heard it everywhere. I still use the word "bummer" some days it really fits but never fourteen times in an hour.

    cheers, parsnip

  9. Everything was fabby when I was at school. Now it is cool. Awesome doesn't sound part of English vocabulary to me.

  10. Mumasu's comment says it all doesn't it - I think it made us all laugh - thanks for that Mumasu.
    Thanks to you all for visiting.

  11. Thanks for your answer about the loss of the lambs . How terrible! I hope spring will be soon on its way. I wish you and your husband a very sunny and warm Easter Sunday. We also celebrate Easter Monday in my country.

  12. I am saddened to hear about the loss of the lambs, I hadn't heard of it previously.

    On the subject of over using words my least favourites at present are - absolutely - instead of yes and -issue - instead of problem.

  13. I find it fascinating how words change meaning between generations. Two that spring to mind are 'wicked' and 'sick', both of which have become declarations of approval in recent years.

    'Legend' is one that I hear regularly and I'm afraid I use 'cool' quite often.

    As far as the hot air balloon ride being 'fantastic', I promised myself one for my 50th but haven't yet made good on that promise. When I do, I hope I'll agree with the Farmer.

  14. I shall have to listen out for those two words now. I have to confess, a tv programme has to really take my attention as I usually have a book open beside me. Oh, and I agree with Toffeeapple's comment regards the use of the word "absolutely"... Argggh!

    So sorry about the lamb losses - this is going to hit farmers so hard.
