Monday 9 April 2012

Collecting the twigs.

Have you ever wondered why birds - crows, pigeons, magpies and the like - break twigs off the topmost branches of the trees to build their nests at this time of the year, then drop the twigs on the ground and abandon them. Why, after all the effort of breaking the twig off, do they abandon it if they drop it? I suppose that could be the origin of the expression "bird brained"!

Whatever the reason, that combined with the heavy wet snow of last week and several days of sharp wind has resulted in the farmer spending today going round the perimeters of all his fields and collecting twigs and branches to burn on the bonfire.

At the end of the operation the fields will look nice and tidy. The rain and snow has to some extent washed in the 'muck' he spread a couple of weeks ago and has also greened up the grass. The sheep have nibbled the grass nice and short and everywhere is looking very smart.

I am busy assembling all the things I shall need this coming week-end for the wedding of my God-daughter. The farmer will be taking me over to Kirkby Lonsdale in Cumbria on Friday afternoon so that I can be there for the wedding rehearsal (I am giving her away) in the evening. Then a group of us will be staying in a hotel there ready for the wedding on the Saturday.

Hair, nails, make-up - all being done for us by professionals. I must say that these things do not really go with the role of a farmer's wife, so I shall be wearing rubber gloves for the next few days. Still it will be rather nice to be 'glamoured up'- and, as they say, the older you get, the longer it takes!


  1. I assumed that the dropped twigs were because the birds found them to be unsatisfactory.
    I do hope the weather improves for next weekend Pat - even a dry day would do!
    I know farmers' wives are used to muck and wellies, but a little pampering never goes amiss and you do have an important supporting role.

  2. You can't beat a bit of glamour now and again.

    Looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks!

  3. I hope that you will enjoy being made to look glamorous at least you'll be able to relax whilst it all goes on.

    Have a lovely day and enjoy the whole thing.

  4. Oh I can't believe you will be in Kirby Lonsdale, another name that brings back wonderful memories to me.
    First Gayle and now Kirby.

    Exciting news about the wedding. Hope to see a few photos.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. I hope you have good weather for the special day! Do enjoy the experience of being glamoured up. A bit of pampering never hurt anyone :)

  6. Oh, that's something to really look forward to Weaver! My mother gave me away, my father having died when I was just into my twenties.
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for the weather, but really, weddings are such fabulous occasions that it really doesn't matter. Enjoy being pampered, and have a wonderful day. My best wishes to bride and groom.

  7. Enjoy the wedding and what a great thing to be giving the bride away! I wouldn't mind a bit of glamour every now and then, especially done for me by someone else.

  8. Happy wedding planning and day.

  9. Do enjoy the happy change in routine-

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral



  10. Oh, I thought you were going to tell my why the birds abandon their hard won twigs!

    Not to worry, the post was as rewarding as ever.

    Have a great time this weekend.

  11. lucky soon-to-be-pampered weaver!!! steven

  12. More twigs down today as the weather is quite breezy - but the farmer is busy down the fields mending fences, so no doubt he will do a bit of sticking on his way back. Reminds me that when we were children we would go sticking in order to get a pile of sticks for lighting the fires in winter. Golly, I wonder how many people do that these days.

    Thank you for visiting.

  13. Thanks also to Rachel for reminding me to take avest to the wedding - I had already decided to wear two thermal ones, one on top of the other - the dress is quite flimsy.
