Thursday 29 March 2012

Water Shortage.

The water situation is now getting very serious. Many areas are far worse off than we are here in North Yorkshire. When we were in Essex in May last year they were short of water then and the farm where we stayed with friends is an arable farm and they were really worried.

But the area has spread to a huge region in the East of the country. It is ironic that there is plenty of water in Scotland and in the West of the country but of course transporting it to places where they are short is far too costly and a huge logistical exercise. So hose-pipe bans are in place and we must all be careful with the water we use.

Our fields are bone-dry and hard. Hoof marks from last Autumn, when the ground was wet, have never gone and now they have hardened, making walking quite difficult. As you will see from the photograph, our beck is now very low. The Water Authority can take water from the beck whenever they wish and from its low state I would say they seem to be taking it at present. The water is very clear and I must say looks very pretty flowing over the stones.

Today the wild plum blossom is out in the hedgerow. In the same way that the snowdrops began to look tawdry before they died, so now do the daffodils - beginning to fade as the blossom trees take over. To everything there is a season.


  1. Let's hope you get some much needed rain this Spring. We were on water rationing for 2 years and just recently had it lifted.

  2. Lovely photos Pat. I was horrified to learn from last week's Countryfile programme that farmers are allocated such a small percentage of water. It was something like 10% and I find that quite ridiculous when they are providing our food. Industry gets a 60% share but I always thought of farming as being part of industry. I hope when we do get rain it isn't so heavy as to damage sown crops.
    In answer to the question you left on my blog - yes, I do enjoy reading Ronald Blythe. He makes perfect bedtime reading.

  3. Interesting comment from Heather, how ludicrous to allocate so little water to farmers ...

    It is also ludicrous to constantly jump upon gardeners as the evil wasters of H2O and ban hose pipes. Why is there no restriction on how many times people can run their dishwashers and washing machines, or how many deep baths or power showers they take?

  4. Even in Wales we've had less rain than usual (although it didn't seem like it in the winter!) I just hope that the rest of the country can get a good soaking or two to catch up.

    I agree about limiting water usage for long power showers etc, but impossible to police. I can remember stand pipes back in '76. I had a pony then and we had to start feeding hay in early July as there was just NO grass - it was burned to a crisp.

  5. No bans here yet, but I think it's just a matter of time before they come.

  6. The water shortage is serious here in the east of England. In fact streams have been running low for several years (though there are other reasons — not just the meteorological). This week has been fabulously warm, and I've selfishly loved it — but now I'm really wishing for a few days of heavy rain. However that seems unlikely.

  7. Lovely post as always. Thanks.
    I did hear that there were plans to use the canals to move water from west to east, but I don't know the details, only that the government were supposed to be looking at it.

  8. Supposedly the last of the warm sunny days today - certainly another glorious one here in North Yorkshire. Thanks for the comments.

  9. I drove over the Hampshire Avon today and the water level was worryingly low for this time of year. Grass is not growing well in the paddocks and I fear that several of the ash trees that were sick last summer will die if we don`t have rain very soon.

  10. I have a feeling that the critters will suffer this year.

  11. Fondly wishing you "wet."

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

