Wednesday 1 February 2012

Farming today.

The sheep are due for a pedicure. Some of them are limping badly - they get a bit of foot rot if the ground is wet and they get bits of stones etc.wedged in. Also, their feet need a bit of a trim. So today's the day and the farmer has brought them all into the barn to await the arrival of their owner.

Once he arrives then we are off down to our feed merchant to stock up on poultry wheat and layers pellets, cat biscuits, sheepdog food and wild bird food - and not forgetting dental sticks for Tess's one a day to keep her teeth tartar free.

The farmer is camera shy and stepped quickly behind a stand when I tried to take his photograph as he pushed the trolley! The place was awash with snow shovels of various sizes and three different types of sleighs. Hope these are just wishful thinking and not trying to tell us something, as so far we have not seen any snow in spite of bitterly cold weather.

On our return the sheep have all been returned to the field so let's hope they all feel as though they are walking on air - as I do when the chiropodist has been.


  1. Love the little sheep faces !

    cheers, parsnip

  2. Message for the farmer: 'Come out, I can see your feet'!! I know how he feels as I hate having my photo taken too.
    Happy feet make happy sheep. All our shops have shovels, sledges, etc. No one is going to be caught out this year. Very cold down here too, but no snow though I think they've had it on Exmoor.

  3. I saw the title of your post, Weaver, then immediately went upstairs to bed. Not bored, it's just that whenever I hear the words, 'Farming Today', I think it must be about 5.30 in the morning, and feel horribly tired.

  4. Yes, my husband is also Blog-invisible!

    Interesting tid-bits about your life, your world. Thank you-

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  5. That is the cutest picture of them in the little pen. (I didn't know they needed nail care)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Just imagining a field full of sheep mincing about on fancy feet!

  8. Proper Dales sheep! Oh that brings back memories!

  9. Oh I would love to herd them into my nail salon - they do the best pedicures there! Such cute faces on those baa lambs!!!!!

  10. Thanks for the comments. No snow yet - another lovely day today but snow is forecast over the weekend, so maybe the snowshovels and sleighs will be needed after all.

  11. As far as snow is concerned, I'm still on 'wait and see' combined with a healthy smattering of disbelief.

    I love the photo of the sheep, but I agree with the Farmer's photo avoidance tactics!
