Sunday 19 February 2012


Change in more ways than one.

First of all, that irritating change to the word-verification on Google. Can we all have mass protest or something? Everyone I blog with is complaining about it. Tom Stephenson has even threatened to stop visiting me - and I couldn't bear that! I thought it was just my rotten eyesight but it seems that everyone is in the same boat =- we are all having to do three or four word verifications before we get one correct. Why have they changed it and how long do we have to put up with it?

Now for the real change - they have started to chop down my beloved Forty Acre Wood at the bottom of the lane. I am assuming that the trees were grown for wood and are now mature enough to be cut down and sold. The wood is too far away from the farm for us to hear the machinery working but daily lorry loads of tree trunks are hauled past and today the farmer and I walked down to have a look at things. You will see that a large swathe has already been felled. I just hope that they are going to replant. I am pretty sure they will as that is a main pheasant rearing area and the pheasants need plenty of cover. There is also a herd of deer in there somewhere. So far they have not reached the rookery - I wonder what sort of a kerfuffle that will spark off.

At this time of the year, when walking down the lane, I always look out for a patch of purple crocus that I am familiar with. Sure enough they were out today and I greeted them like old friends. That's a sure sign that things are on the move.

And just to underline it, on the way back we saw our first Lesser Celandine. That and a brilliant sunny day here is enough to do the old heart good. And as if that wasn't enough - first thing this morning I watched two brown hares boxing in the field opposite the farmhouse - a sight for sore eyes.

Sorry about the blurred photo of crocus - my hand is very shaky today - think of it as an impressionist photograph.


  1. ahhhh weaver it's astonishing what passes for alright and how we are compelled to hope for something as simple and essential as replanting in an area clearly well-loved not only by people but by the woodland creatures . . . . .steve

  2. I like to think your wood is managed woodland and that it will be replanted.
    What a treat to see hares - I haven't see any since we moved from our previous house 30 years ago, where we could watch them in our little paddock.
    Those crocuses are a glorious colour and the celandines are like little gold stars. Whatever the weather does now, I really do think Spring is nearly here.

  3. I knew there was something else! The new word verification drives me mad. Even with good eyesight it's impossible to decipher some of the words. What is the point? What was wrong with the previous set-up?

  4. That blurry photo was a hell of a sight easier to decipher than those recent Blogger word verifications, Pat!

    Wonderful you saw the boxing hares — they're some of my favourite creatures. And what with the crocuses and the celandines — there's a feel of spring around the corner.

    Lovely, sunny day here too.

  5. So glad to discover it's not just me moaning about the damn word verification thing which I can't decifer at all.
    How do we organize a protest?
    I would hate to get lots of spam but am almost thinking
    of foregoing it altogether.....

  6. The new verification is making commenting a chore, rather than a pleasure. I'm so happy when people let it go. I have never used it and haven't had any spam (running quickly to knock on wood here!)

  7. I don't know... we just went through the same experience. Acres and acres of trees chopped down behind the horse barn property for months. No replanting is planned I don't think as it is all ratty looking and not cleaned up. So sad. I turned my verification off... so FAR no spam. The occasional spam I can deal with as I check it every day... but why mess with the previous simple word verification? I complained to blogger - sent them a message...

  8. Do hope the wood is replanted. And I rather like the blurred crocus shot.

    I've just spent the last hour or so trying to work out how to turn word verification off, but failed.

  9. I am so sorry you are losing your woodland. I guess in some cases wood lots are just another agricultural crop and what we have to do is enjoy them while they are here and look forward to the replanting, if we should be around so long.....

    I am certainly with you on the word verification, Pat, - what a pain!!!

    I'm suppose in the end, if they don't change back, it may encourage some people to ignore the whole process.

  10. Sorry about your woods. I wouldn't really stop visiting - it was only a hollow threat. I'm just about to see if you have got rid of your word thing! Anyone else who wants to can do by following the instructions over at my blog. Right - here goes...

  11. Yippee! It worked - I'll be back. X

  12. Yes, the word verification is driving me mad too!!

    Like you. I sincerely hope that they replant the wood, though it will still be a while before they mature.

    I've never seen hares boxing (except on TV).

  13. Oops, 'before it matures'

  14. You saw Hares boxing, I am so jealous, it is years since I last saw that, on a visit to family in Thetford Chase.

    WV is so annoying at the moment, it is, apparently something to do with getting computers to recognise words from an archive. Or something, I red about it but I can't recall where...

    Pretty pictures too.

  15. I meant, of course, I read about it. Not red. Humph.

  16. Pretty crocus pics one of my favourite flowers.Iv only ever seen hares boxing once its fasinating to watch hope you see more of them.Love Jill xx

  17. Lovely pictures and I agree the Google word verification is very hard to read and sometimes takes me mnore than one attempt to get it right. I used to have lots of celendine in my garden until I had a clear out one spring and I killed it all off unwittingly. I regretted it ever since.

  18. I HATE this new word verification too. I've never had it on my blog and never had a problem either. Go on just get rid of it as Tom says.

  19. Oh good-o you already have !!!

  20. Same sentiments here re the word verification.

    I love the photos. I saw the blurry one very artistic.

  21. oh how sad that they're chopping down the trees, it sounds to me like an area which is managed and will be planted, but even so, it still feels sad to see a woodland being felled.

    Wonderful to see celandines.

    yes the new word verification is annoying, but that style has been around for a while and I guess it was only a matter of time til it hit Blogger...

  22. Hopefully the wood will be re-planted.

    I have removed word verification from my blog because I like comments although I don't get many and I didn't want those who do put off!

  23. The word verification is driving me nuts too. As for the forest... it takes some getting used to when they cut down a forest and in our area the monkeys have to move to a new area which is usually inhabited by another troop so it's a war zone for a while. They then move closer to humans who shoot them. The poor creatures have to make huge changes before they can settle again.

  24. I agree with the annoying verification.
    Go to Dashboard

    Click on settings

    Now choose Comments from the row of links below the settings tab.

    Scroll down to "show word verification....." and click the 'no' radio button.

    Scroll all the way down and save.

    That should work.

  25. Ah - looks like you already did!

  26. Thanks to all those who gave me instructions to get those wretched words off.

    Thanks for the comments too.
