Tuesday 21 February 2012

A Busy Day.

I went up to Tesco at the usual time but hurried as it was the day to collect my fascinator. For anyone who does not know, in April I am to give my God-daughter away at her wedding, so I have had a fascinator made. I am not a hat person at all and it does feel strange but the farmer was quite complimentary about it when I put it on at lunch time for him to see. It certainly has an air of celebration about it! One day I may post a photograph!!

Tomorrow I am having a little dinner party, so this afternoon was taking up with making two savoury dishes to save time tomorrow - a pheasant casserole and a shepherd's pie. This means that in the morning I have only to make two sweets and to cook the potatoes for the pie topping - makes life so much easier.

A busy afternoon on the farm too as some of the cows we overwinter - all from our neighbour's Dairy Herd - were to be freeze-branded. This quite painless procedure means that each cow is settled into a crush and then a number is branded onto its haunch using dry ice. It makes identification of individual animals so much easier. These cows have been used to going into a crush since they were very young - for having their pedicures, for pregnancy testing etc., so they accept it as a matter of course.

Each day the temperature is rising a little higher here in the Dales and is set to reach a record February high by Friday. Unfortunately there will be strong winds so the wind chill factor will make it feel much colder. How glibly we use all these meteorological terms these days.


  1. Your fascinator sounds lovely, I hope we see it.

    I haven't been to or cooked for a dinner party for so many years.

    You are right, we do use meteorological phrases quit glibly.

  2. I'm all for bringing BACK the fascinator!

    I do hope we get a peek!


  3. I do hope we get to see you wearing your fascinator. I don't think my very fine hair would provide enough fixing for one.
    My husband doesn't enjoy entertaining so I've never given a dinner party other than for family on special occasions.
    I don't mind it getting a little milder but do hope the weather settles down a bit - it has been so erratic this winter.

  4. I so want to see the fascinator!

    I don't mind eating pheasant, but I do hate cooking it! It always seems to smell terrible to me. Perhaps I'm just not a gamey person.

    Sorry for that offputting remark - hope all goes well with the dinner party tomorrow!

  5. I trust we are going to see a picture of the facinator!!!
    I trust its not a Beatrice and Eugene type?

  6. I look forward to the photo of you and your fascinator, Pat. The word fascinator has such an exotic/erotic ring to me. And your dinner party food sounds delicious. All these good things to keep away the cold, if only in spirit.

  7. I do wish they would use cold branding on the ponies here, instead of the old fashioned hot brands.

    Enjoy your dinner party tomorrow. I`m sure the food will be delicious!

  8. I am certainly hoping to see your fascinator, Pat - I love hats, but haven't yet seen one of these new fangled ones that appealed to me, - it may be that I am past the age of adventure in hatland. Not of dinner parties, though, - hope you have a wonderful friendly meal.

  9. Pat...you can't tease us with mention of your fascinator and not give us a photo! :)

  10. Branding...ouch!!
    How sweet that you're giving your Goddaughter away. I love the word FASCINATOR! So mysterious!

  11. A fascinator - I'm toying with the idea for my MOB ensemble. I hope you'll post a photo or email me one if you are to shy to put it on a post.

  12. If The Farmer said it looks good then it must be stunning {smile}. Are you going to share a icture?

  13. I'd love to see a photo of your fascinator. I think they're lovely.

    It's warming up here too, which is good because the lads want to go out climbing tomorrow. I'm just hoping the rain stops and the wind isn't too fierce. (Note to self - take full set of waterproofs and 2 flasks of coffee)

  14. Oh, frustration! Whatever is a FASCINATOR?? Weaver, please post a photo. I know I'm not really with it, fashion-wise, but is it a British term? Oh dear I am way out of my depth here!

  15. Fascinator is nice. If the farmer will take a photo of it I might put it on later. Thanks for the comments.
