Monday 16 January 2012

Miserable Monday.

The photograph of daffodils on my kitchen table is supposed to cheer everyone up, as today is officially the most miserable day of the year ( along with next Monday also). Perhaps this will not be so today because although it is still minus four outside it is also white frost and bright sunshine - very beautiful in fact.

Spare a thought though for Alaska where they have so far had twenty six feet of snow this winter and where the heating oil has still not got through to the town of Nome.

Even worse spare a thought for those caught up in the awful cruise disaster - I bet it will put a lot of people off cruising for a while, although statistically it is still a very safe holiday. For anyone like me who really does not care for the sea the whole thing sounds like my worst nightmare.

The Times today tells of this day in 1368 when winds tore through Ireland and on into England - monasteries, houses, churches, trees, woods - all were destroyed. Norwich cathedral lost its wooden spire and St Albans Abbey was completely destroyed.

Even worse was the great storm that then occurred in the North Sea which flooded all that vast inland area almost below sea level (I come from that area so am aware how low it is in places). The posrt of Ravenser Odd at the mouth of the Humber Estuary was completely destroyed and many were drowned further inland.

In The Netherlands enormous waves swept in land and killed thousands of inhabitants - it was so bad that it took over fifty years for all the dykes to be repaired. All together an estimated thirty thousand people were killed.

So, if you live in the UK, enjoy today's sunshine - if you live elsewhere please make the most of miserable Monday - enjoy my daffodils and remember only ten weeks or so left to the first day of Spring.


  1. I'm trying to live up to the day's expectations — but I just can't feel miserable today! No matter hard I try. (Doubtless I'll be so tomorrow or the next day.) I agree with you about cruises — a nightmare holiday (even without capsizing) to be cooped up with the same people in the middle of all that water. All in all, best to stay at home with a good book on this disaster-prone day, I think.

  2. thank you I do indeed enjoy them. It is good to remember that people have always faced challenges, and to be grateful for the quiet times.

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  3. Lovely daffs.

    I wondered why I felt QUITE so bad as I do today. I have a few things on my mind, but they shouldn't really be making me feel this low.

    The daffs have helped. Thank you.

  4. weaver - i'm super jacked as i get to ride my bike to school today because the roads are relatively dry and free of ice. it's minus sixteen celsius so it's pretty darn cold but hey!!! have a lovely day in the dale!!! steven

  5. A crisp, blue skied Monday here. Too beautiful a day to be miserable.

    The recent news about the cruise liner is grim. Those who escaped with their lives must be feeling very shocked today.

    The thought of being stuck in a floating town full of people, with not a green tree in sight, would be my idea of hell. I can just about cope with a Channel crossing!

  6. Your daffodils are a lovely sight but I don't feel at all miserable today, which is very good as I've been battling depression (not severe enough for Drs. to do anything about it) for possibly longer than I realise. I hope the end is in sight - it has been a real struggle at times.
    I don't fancy a cruise holiday anyway and certainly not now. I donate regularly to the RNLI which is my insurance should I ever find myself afloat! They are such heroes.
    Enjoying this perfect winter sunshine until the next stormy, gloomy, dismal bit turns up! Fill up the log basket!

  7. I do love the daffodils and welcome the sight of them in the yards. Most miserable day? I have never heard that before. Neither had I heard of the 1368 winds and flooding. I have cousins in North Pole AK without fuel oil. Bearing up well though. I hope you do not have a miserable day today or tomorrow.

  8. Thank you for sharing your early daffs. I haven't seen any real ones yet. This week's disaster (so far) is I cut my thumb with the bread knife ;)

  9. I wonder why this was to be the most miserable day? I've had a lovely time and it is still beautifully frosty.

    Hell would be a cruise for me too.

  10. I wasn't too bad today...but last monday was a cracker in the worst terms...could have been the fluish virus I had ...or just miserable January will get better!

  11. Love your daffodils. I've enjoyed the mild winter and extra sunshine, and definitely don't feel miserable!

  12. I wonder what David Suzuki and Al Gore would have had to say about THAT kind of weather! Is Miserable Monday an official name for this day?

  13. Astonishing what a bored media company can dream up! I don't think Mother Natures checks our silly calendar before doing her thing.
    Before you know it Hallmark will have the official Most Depressing Day of the Year Card in all their stores!

  14. Your beautiful daffodils have made my day. Thank you Weaver. So many disasters in the news... and yes I thought, that's put paid to any dreams of cruising this year.

  15. Saw wonderful fresh lilies of the valley in a shop in our nearest 'big' town, Northallerton, today - made my day. Thank you for the comments.

  16. I'm with you on the cruise thing Pat, love living near the Lakes but hate the sea, you'd never get me on one of those ships. From the little I have seen on TV it looked like terrifying chaos and amazing that the death toll is not higher.
