Wednesday 9 November 2011

A delightful book.

I am reading a most delightful book - Helen Simonson's 'Major Pettigrew's Last Stand' - and I am enjoying every word of this gentle story. I really do not want it to end. Isn't it lovely when you find a book that is so enjoyable. Great literature it is not - but readable it is - very. Do be tempted to pick it up on a cold, damp Autumn night and read this heart-warming tale by the fire - and enjoy.


  1. When I find a book that I don't want to end, I only allow myself so many pages to read each day!! I know it sounds crazy, but I've done that several times!

    Read s-l-o-w-l-y!!!

  2. It sounds like comfort food for the soul Pat. I shall look out for it, and thankyou for the recommendation. I feel bereft when I come to the end of a lovely book and not inclined to start another until a decent interval has elapsed!

  3. I keep going back to it and wishing that I hadn't yet read it - such a treat it was!

  4. This book is on my wish list, glad you're enjoying it.

  5. My library has it! And they have the audio version so I can listen to it on my work commute. Cool! Just have to finish up the trial mystery in which I'm currently embroiled. Thanks for the recommendation!

  6. Great idea! It might as well be today!

    Thanks for your answers! You had five good and the other answers were; 1c Amsterdam 6b twelve provinces. 8b 16,750,000 inhabitants.9c The Netherlands is slightly larger than Belgium and Luxembourg is the smallest.10 c Gouda produces cheese and candles. Tomorrow you can read more about each item. I'd like to send a giveaway to all participants because I am grateful that people take the trouble to answer this quiz. Could you also send me your address?

  7. I'm always on the look out for a 'good read'!
    This sounds excellent.

  8. thanks for the recommendation. I usually find a good book that way Pat.

  9. A delightful header photo, too!!!!

  10. Hope you all enjoy this simple story - it was a New York Best Seller - not that I always find that much of a recommendation.

  11. Thank you Pat for pointing me to this nice looking read. In desperation, with my only remaining sibling, my sister, in various hospitals having a brain tumour partly removed and now having 6 weeks off chemo and radiation. I have been to Melbourne (8hrs by train) to see once but found that leaving my poor old Prof by himself in a veritable November fog of dementia, was not a good idea. Suddenly I have to have at least one molar out and maybe a wisdom tooth as well, my heart has decided to go on strike and my hip is screaming blue murder. Is it any wonder I am seeking pacifier reading?
    I have just re-read Alexander McCall Smith's Botswana series and the manual for my new camera (323pp).
    Perhaps you can now understand why my visits lately have been few and far between.
    I hope that you at least are physically well.
