Wednesday 14 September 2011

Too many outings now that I can drive!

I was out all day yesterday. It is my Tesco morning and that took me up to lunch time by the time I had cleaned out the fridge and put the food away. In the afternoon I drove down to Ripon to see a friend, who is a real inspiration. We had a lovely afternoon and I returned home with a bag of apples. In the evening the farmer and I went to The Station Cinema in Richmond to see 'One Day'. I loved it - very romantic - but not sure it was the farmer's cup of tea. He said it was 'alright' and he kept awake, so that is better than nothing.

This morning, of course, I had to use up those apples. So after a quick trip into town to stock up on cider vinegar and dark molasses sugar, I made six pounds of apple chutney. Since then I have been down to our feed merchants to stock up on animal and bird food with the farmer.

Just back I feel like having a sleep (it is 3.15pm) but am trying hard to fight the temptation by doing my blog instead. So if this suddenly fades out you will know the reason why!zzzzzzzzzzzz........

##The second issue of the Poetry Bus Magazine is due out today. It you are interested in buying one then go to Totalfeckineejit on my side bar. I am sure he will have information there before too long.


  1. A ten minute 'power nap' could be the answer, Weaver!

  2. Yes, you do sound busy.
    Astounding how one can fritter away a whole
    day well, I don't mean fritter exactly.
    Yes, you are due for a little lie down!

  3. six pounds of apple chutney? six!!! wow! what a gift that will be in the dpeths of winter!~ steven

  4. I felt quite tired just reading this post Pat. It's my shopping day tomorrow and I'm always pooped by the time I've unpacked it and put it all away.
    I'm the only one in our family who really enjoys homemade chutneys, jams, etc., which is a shame as I love making them but can't possibly eat them all myself. That reminds me, I have apples to use as well.

  5. ..........remember, Churchill lived by quick naps! I often fall asleep late afternoon if I sit down to read - this is why it takes me so long to finish a book!

    Apple chutney sounds fabulous - do you share your recipe Pat?

    I'll have to put that movie on my list - I'm always game for some romance....if only on the big screen these day, lol!

    Glad you're getting out and about again, that's a good thing.

    Mary X

  6. Oh, just give into temptation. Naps are the best. Especially by an open window, letting in an autumn breeze.

    I have promised my mother a trip to the mountains next week for apples, which will mean I'm in the kitchen for the rest of the week! Pies, Pies, Pies!

  7. 'Woke up it was a Tesco morning ...' (Joni Mitchell)

    Hope you enjoyed your nap!

  8. it's the time of youear for coming home with loads of apples, mine almost always become crumbles, but chutney sounds good

    I tagged you, if you're interested in taking part, you can find out more at:

  9. I love the fact that the farmer 'kept awake'. Whenever husband and I go to a film I have to keep nudging him.

    I love apple chutney, well done you! My trees were so poor this year we've barely got enough for crumbles.

  10. So busy, I'm tired just reading.

    To be able to get fresh apples right off the trees must be such a treat. Apple chutney sounds so good.

    Because we had the very unusual hard freeze last winter my citrus trees took such a beating, lost two, three are struggling and the rest are hanging in. My little grove is looking bad and that means no fruit for me this winter. So sad.

    cheers, parsnip

  11. what a great life now...lots to do and a car to do it. like the sound of all that chutney!

  12. Is there any chance that you'd write out your recipe for Apple Chutney? We have a big old apple tree that will be picked any day now.
    This afternoon I had a chat with a friend about guilt-free napping - we should all practice it!

  13. Drive Happy!

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  14. Thank you for the replies. Would you believe I had a horrible night's sleep although I was very tired!
    After your requests I am just going over to post my apple chutney recipe.

  15. Wonderful to hear that you can drive again. Best bit of news today!
