Friday 30 September 2011

The New Poetry Bus Magazine

The second issue of this magazine is out. All credit due to the guiding light - Peadar O'Donoghue (Totalfeckin'eejit on my side bar). I got my copy yesterday - it is even better than the first issue. I do urge you to buy it


  1. thanks for the tip-

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  2. A much more succinct post than mine!

  3. If the contents match the cover it must be stunning, Pat. thanks for the tip. I've been out of the circuit for a while - thesis completion pending - now but I'm coming back in.

  4. Thanks for the info. I do envy you your poetry group - along with your surroundings!

  5. I must get my order in - have been meaning to do so.

  6. This all sounds amazing - bet your poetry group will enjoy the upcoming meeting with this new publication to peruse.

    Methinks I need to find a poetry group - or at least hang out at one of those coffee shops where bright young things read out loud. Now there's no smoking permitted I think I could well manage an hour reliving my youth, lol!

    Happy day -

    P.S. What's going on over there? I see marvelous Autumn warmth and sunshine - in Devon they've at last started sunbathing a bit!!!!!

  7. I am very happy for your PB2 news, Weaver, but where's mine!!??

  8. Thanks for the ad Weaver! Hope you enjoy the Mag and special newsflash Titus's copy has arrived too!

  9. Congratulations on PB2, how exciting! Love the idea of a poetry group or writers group... been trying to find something in my area that would work with my busy work schedule.
