Monday 5 September 2011

Getting ready for winter.

It is not a day for being out in the fields unless you have to be. There is a strong South West wind blowing and there is sharp rain in the air. A day, therefore, for getting ready for winter.

We have a wood-burning stove so this morning the farmer replenished the dwindling log pile. At present we have holly, hawthorn, crab apple and some ash - all from fallen or dying trees, so there is plenty of wood to saw up. He does this in the big shed, so he is warm and dry whilst he is doing it and the logs keep warm and dry off before they are brought in for the stove (any day now).

Yesterday, when we gardened, I almost swept the drive which is thick with pine needles from our Scots pines. I never got round to it and i must say that I am pleased on reflection. A big load of straw is coming around 5pm - if this wind is still blowing then there will be straw everywhere. But those pine needles are a real nuisance. When the farmer gardened Tess did not wish to be in the house with me, nor did she wish to be in the garden with the farmer, so I left the front door open for her. The result is a carpet of pine needles throughout the house! Luckily my cleaner comes on a Monday morning so all is now clean and tidy.

My next job is to call the chimney sweep - that stove chimney needs an urgent sweep if we are to begin using those logs.


  1. I've dragging wood into the shed too, and I'll soon be looking for someone to split and saw it all. We have as much as we could ever use right here on the land, but it's a chore to bring it in.

  2. Sounds like a bit of work, but cozy it will be once it's all finished, not that it ever can be collecting, cutting and all.

  3. Missed the wind here, Weaver, but thanks for the reminder about he sweep!

  4. the sweep. Although he is a man.

  5. There is something very comforting about a lovely big stack of logs for the fire - even before they have been brought inside.
    We have a sort of open porch outside our front door and inspite of inner and outer doormats it's a constant battle with all the bits that are trodden into the house, and I am the cleaning lady!!
    I have been watching the clouds here today. The very high ones have looked quite sedate and summery, but the lower ones have been tearing along in this strong wind.
    I can remember when we kept the soot from the chimney to put round the celery. It made it very mucky to clean before we could eat it.

  6. There's nothing like a real log fire to keep you warm when the weather is cold outside. I do miss a fireplace or a wood burning stove. I always had one of them, but not anymore. Enjoy yours very much.

  7. It's funny how ready everyone is for summer to be gone, self included. It was a bad one this year.

  8. How quickly these winters come again, Pat, too quickly for my taste.

  9. Looks like a great wood pile will be ready soon. We buy a cord of firewood each year for our hearth - it comes at a price these days but at least it's cut, split, and delivered - DH just has to make a pretty pile that is sturdy! I think it's time we placed our order - I know cooler weather will be here by the end of the month, hopefully!

    I hope your Autumn and Winter will not be too severe Pat.

  10. I hear you getting ready for winter, Pat, and I see faint signs of fall approaching as I rummage around in the garden we left behind, for plants to divide and bring down to the new garden, - but today was very warm, and the rest of the week promises even hotter days, so we are still dependent upon the air conditioning to be comfortable in the house. The evenings are cool and lovely, though.

  11. beautiful, we are toying with an Indian Summer in California, but I anticipate your rain and wood stove fires.

  12. oh nooooo
    you have mentioned the W word!

  13. Suddenly all the signs of winter are piling up. Autumn seems forgotten. So much are our seasons changing?

  14. Beautiful photo of the wood pile - all those muted colours and variety of shapes...

  15. Lovely. Thoughts of autumn days and hunkering down for winter with cosy, warm firesides and a good book - inbetween braving the elements to tend the stock, of course! ♥
