Saturday 17 September 2011


Three quarters of an inch of rain in the last twenty four hours and the river here is 'banking' (reaching the top of its banks). One of the biggest of the Dales Shows is on today - Stokesley Show - I can only imagine the quagmire which is the showground after all that rain.

We are going to a Ruby wedding celebration tomorrow in a marquee quite near to our local river, so we are hoping it has not burst its banks and flooded the field.

There has been a sharp blustery wind too and I noticed leaves down in profusion on my afternoon walk. Strangely enough the ash - which comes into leaf last of all - is the first to drop its leaves and our lane is lined with them today.

I looked up the ash before doing this blog, to find that it is more or less a worldwide tree - very common - and it belongs to the same family as the olive tree. In fact the rowan, or mountain ash, is not an ash tree at all and belongs to quite a different genus.

On a different note, I am sure we are all saddened by the deaths of the four miners. Until their bodies were found there was maybe a faint glimmer of hope but that hope was quickly dashed as one after another the bodies were discovered. Our hearts go out to their families.

Have a lovely weekend.


  1. I can imagine your wild winds and the rivers in full spate. I hope that your weekend events are not washed out by floods in the watermeadows.

    One of our older ash trees has looked poor all through this summer. A result of the early drought we fear. I hope it survives, but its leaves are falling heavily.

    A sad day for the miners families and their community.

  2. I read today that the rain pattern worldwide has changed to cloudbursts, what do you think? I believe that Bangladesh and Pakistan are in big trouble with the monsoons.

  3. You know the saying...Oak before ash, in for a splash. Ash before oak, in for a soak!

  4. that's a lot of rain, hope the celebration tomorrow isn't flooded out.

    The ash is one of my favourite trees.

  5. I was hoping the Welsh miners would be rescued too but the flood water was too much. Too high a price to pay for anthracite.
    I have noticed leaves changing colour here too and plenty of rain but not quite as much as you have had or are having. Do hope the celebrations won't be affected.

  6. We have had some heavy downpours here today, but it is so windy that it has all been moving through quite quickly. It is so sad for the miners' families - I was just thinking about them and thinking how awful it must be for them.

    Pomona x

  7. Hope you enjoy the ruby wedding!
    Quite an achievement!

  8. Autumn!

    Sadly, early winter came for the miners. Peace to their families.

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    We are crazed moving! Please excuse my absence!

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  9. Thanks for the comments. Interesting what Dartford Warbler says about their ash tree - the farmer says all our ash trees have looked poor throughout the summer - and all are dropping their leaves early.

  10. I hope the ruby wedding remained high and dry. Not too much rain down here, but little in the way of its direct alternative. And suddenly it's not just the bug-ridden horse chestnuts going crisp and curly but others all around. Although the two ashes in our garden are still in summer plumage.

  11. weaver we've had morning after morning of zero celsius temperatures and the trees are turning ever so slowly. does it seem sudden to you or has it arrived gradually. either way it's my favourite time of year. steven

  12. Aye lass - the nights are drawing in!

  13. Ah, isn't blogging wonderful, as I sit here by the wood-burner, eating my Sunday lunch alone, I can read what you are all saying and imagine where you are (and probably get it all wrong!). The ash here is as strong as ever and only this week we pulled some cursed self-sets out with the tractor because they invade us if we leave them. We have had some heavy downpours but in between it has been lovely and sunny. The house martins and swallows were still here up until a few days ago but as I look for them this morning they seem to have gone. Ours seem to arrive later than yours in Yorkshire but stay longer.

    Enjoy your Sunday.

  14. Such an autumn post, Weaver.
    I saw the news about the miners and my heart fell. I was born in a mining town, and my dad paid his way through university in the pits, before I was born. Nevertheless, miners hold a special place in my heart.
    We have no ash trees at Pondside, thought I'd love to add a Mountain Ash to the mix.

  15. Thanks for putting me in your side-bar :)

  16. This morning (Sunday) started with glorious warm sun and no breeze and I was watching my son play football in my shirt sleeves. In contrast, this afternoon has seen black cloud, thunderstorms and heavy rain. Can't win! My thoughts are also with the families and community of the four miners.

  17. Just want you to know that I made up my fall bottle of blackberry whiskey from your recipe. We did this last year and sipped it happily all winter coughs or no coughs. It' really good.

  18. Your weather has changed quickly - and reading your description brings back childhood Autumn days in I loved all the trees and walking home from school in wellies kicking up the golden piles of fallen leaves after the wind and rain!

    Of course around age 14 clunky, non-glamorous wellies were disliked, especially when 'the boys' were around! Now here I am actually posting pics of myself in big old wellies yet again! They are the most important item I'm readying for the sub-Antarctic adventure. Like they say, "what goes around comes around". At least the 'old boys' on this expedition won't give rat's a-- as to what I'm wearing these days. Age has its perks, lol!

    Happy week dear - and I too extend my condolences to those families, such sad news.
