Monday 1 August 2011

Summer Reading.

What is nicer on a warm, sunny afternoon, than to sit in a cool window or on a seat in the garden and read? What is nicer on a pouring wet Summer's day when you can't get out in the garden, than to sit in a chair with a good book?

Now Elizabeth of The World Examining Works (see my side bar) has suggested that we put our favourite books for Summer reading on to our blogs. What a good idea. For anyone who has run out of books to read it should give them a whole new reading list.

What she suggests is that if you wish to join in, then on Wednesday of this week (the day after tomorrow) you post on your blog a Summer reading list comprising:-
2 non-fiction books you have enjoyed.
2 new reads of fiction you have enjoyed.
2 old favourites that you have read again.

I shall now go away and think carefully about what I am going to put on my list.


  1. Thinking cap on Pat. I shall have difficulty with the fiction titles as I seem to have been reading non-fiction lately. No matter what the weather, one can always enjoy a good book.

  2. I love to read when it is raining. So perfect !

    cheers, parsnip

  3. A good book and a comfy spot are welcome any day, any weather. The luxury of time to enjoy such a relaxing past-time is always welcome. Mmm! So many literary choices to recall.

  4. So now I have to think and think......
    I'm so good at coming up with ideas and rather bad at executing them!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I will also give this a bit of thought!
    a good subject me feels

  7. Six books! There's a lot of reading there. And I've only got till Wednesday.

  8. I'd like to do this, I just have to be sure I have enough time to give it adequate thought. I think I'll see you Wednesday.

  9. What a good idea. I love to read in the evening, rain or shine but haven't had much time lately so I had better get my thinking cap on.

  10. Interesting idea. I might just be able to do it.
