Tuesday 24 May 2011

A day out.

There has to be a break in holiday photographs today as I have just had a lovely, unexpected day out with a friend (thank-you G). She called this morning and suggested we go out - so the poor farmer was left to get his own lunch yet again!

We only went into Richmond, which is a mere six miles away. But we went first to see the beautiful garden at Millgate House. The house is a Georgian townhouse which stands at the bottom of the Market Place. From its facade you would never guess that behind is the most lovely garden.

Created by the owners, Austin Lynch and Tim Culkin, it is a wonderful mix of foliage, roses and herbaceous planting and is a joy at any time of year. If you are ever anywhere near Richmond I do urge you to call in.

They also do a magnificent B and B and there is a cottage for rent in the garden. It is very close to the A1, so is a good stopping off point on any journey to the North.

Afterwards we had lunch at The Station and looked at an art exhibition. But what stayed with us both throughout the day was the wonderful sense of the peace and tranquility of this exquisite garden. Enjoy the photographs.


  1. The garden and house are lovely. Georgian is probably my favourite historical architectural style. I used to have to drive up and down the A1 constantly when all the parents were sill alive. Knowing of somewhere nice to stop would have been a godsend then. Did once stop in Richmond, but I was tired, and it was cold, so I didn't explore.

  2. What a beautiful garden Pat - my idea of paradise. I love those irises and have tried to grow them but they don't like our soil. What a treat to take a holiday in the accommodation there.

  3. The English country gardens are so beautiful.Four years ago I was in England and visited several gardens laid out by Capability Brown. I think that the gardens you visited were just as lovely by the look of it.

  4. Gorgeous greenery and really great photos. I do like visiting all the gardens through your blog. Thank you.

  5. I love where I live in the desert but maybe because of it, I adore English Gardens. All the lush green ferns and moss growing out the the cracks and crevices in the stone work, Roses, Violets, Irises and Peonies everywhere. I have garden envy.
    Besides the International Style of Architecture I really like the Georgian Style Houses and this one looks beautiful.

    I so enjoy when you post photos of your day trips, Thanks so much.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. It sounds wonderful - what a lovely day! I am off to google that house and B&B.

  7. Thanks for visiting this garden through my photographs - wish you could be there to smell the greenery and the roses.

  8. What a beautiful garden - especially that colour of iris. I just have common or garden colours here! A really stunning house too.

  9. A garden is very well decorated. A flower in your garden are very attractive. A step being great attraction for me it is like old time steps.
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  10. There is nothing like a garden to instill peace into one's heart. Lovely photographs. Glad to hear you enjoyed your day.

    The Gardening Life
