Tuesday 1 March 2011

Come and get me!

The first day of March and here in North Yorkshire March has certainly come in like a lamb; wall-wall sunshine, only a slight breeze and a slight nip in the air and actually quite warm in the sun. After days of grey cold it is such a treat and we have been for an hour's walk around the fields. The beck is full to overflowing and the mud is still bad everywhere - but the sun more than makes up for it.

The first celandine - a miniature sun in itself - is out in the hedge row. There is only one that I can see and it is a bit moth-eaten but it is my first celandine and I love it. In the front garden the brave pulmonaria -"soldiers and sailors" is just coming into bloom with its mixture of pink and blue flowers. Later on in the year when the leaves are big and develop mould it is a real nuisance but for now it is a pleasure to see the perky little clumps popping up all over.

But it is the crocus that holds centre stage this week. Today the sun is shining on the mauve ones and the golden ones and they have opened out, sticking out their stamens and shouting "come and get me" to any passing bee. They are blatantly sexy and gorgeous with it. And if that pansy is not advertising its sexiness with that little orange tongue then I don't know what is.

Round the back of the house, in my little North facing yard the crocus are much more reserved. They are up and they are out but as the sun doesn't get round there they are just quietly blooming. Some are pale mauve with a purple stripe and others are a shiny purple that reminds me of the shiny purple humbugs we used to suck as children.

Oh isn't it good to be alive on such a day. I hope it is the same kind of weather where you live.


  1. Wonderful, Weaver! A scent of Spring at last! Lovely sunshine yesterday and today here. I have vowed to tackle the front garden tomorrow, and my yellow crocuses are all out round the back. Not the purples yet though!

  2. Yes I know exactly what you mean. Yesterday I was looking at this beautiful tree across the road and the sun was hitting it just so, I just wanted to breathe it deeply in. I thought there is nothing man can create that could ever be so beautiful or inspiraing as what nature presents daily.

  3. Beautiful photos!

    It's just like that here today, too, Weaver, but our flowers are far behind yours.

    Thanks so much for a little taste of the feast to come! A feast for the eyes...yum!

  4. What a joy to see these happy colourful signs of spring!
    Weaver, you said that you know a lot of Green Men. Could you send me some photos? By e-mail if possible or on your blog so that I can copy them with your permission of course. Thank you!

  5. Lovely day here too! Lovely Pat. xx

  6. Thank you so much for that posy of flowers - just the ticket on this cold, grey Tuesday. :)

  7. Lovely pictures to brighten up my day. It's cold and drear on the Welsh Border. Seeping cold. But we also have the first celandines (aka Pilewort - guess what they're used for.)and crocuses and a few brave daffodils for Dydd Dewi Sant (St. David's Day)

  8. I'm so pleased you had such a lovely day today Pat - we haven't been as lucky, but the cherry blossom is getting ready to pop and our crocuses are coming out too. I find that the birds eat all my yellow ones but do think the purple and yellow together look gorgeous. I will make do with the mini-daffs. It is a wonderful time of year.

  9. I am so surprised ! It just seems like you were covered with snow but as I went back over your February posts the last snow was 19 February.

    So I guess it is spring and March is coming in like a lamb.

    Beautiful post today and I adore your garden flowers. Lucky you !

    cheers, parsnip

  10. Nope, no sunshine here. It is just raw and cold and dry straight from Siberia. Good Norfolk weather just how we like it.

  11. Great pictures, thanks for sharing, it's so cold and damp where I am so this glimpse of spring is very welcome...

  12. It has been a beautiful spring day here today too, so after gardening like a mad thing, I went out for a walk. It was MAGIC.

  13. Lovely flowers,it's been lovely here today, too.

  14. lovely, lovely Weaver...I'm enjoying it while I can...out in the herb garden today redoing a path!

  15. Beautiful flowers - I love the purples and yellows of early spring.

    We have celandines in bud , but no flowers yet. Maybe tomorrow, if the sun shines......

  16. Yep! It's fantastic! We couldn't resist being out in the sunshine either. A ride over the Fells to Muker. Bliss!

  17. unusually the sun was actually shining here today too, all be it on the snow. I am wildly jealous of your spring. ANd I agree nothing makes me feel as good as new hair... oh we have so far left to go!!

  18. march came in with a little warmth, lots of sunshine, and blustery but nowhere near as beautiful as in the dale. thanks so much for the colour and light!!! steven

  19. We had three or four hours of giddy blue sky, sunshine and balmy spring air on Monday, but then it went away and we expect 10 cm of snow overnight. No blooms here, alas, and the ground is still frozen solid. Thank you for sharing yours Pat.

  20. Beautiful pictures. I think you are luckier with the elements than we are just now. These help, though.

  21. It has been cold and grey here today until well after lunch time when gradually the sun got out again and now is shining, although there is a keen breeze.
    Thank you for the comments.

  22. well here the last day of February was beautiful and today is beautiful but yesterday was a little dull. The crocuses however are marvellous!

    Your photos are lovely
