Saturday 1 January 2011

River of Stones.

This is the first day of the new year, and the first day of my participation in the new River of Stones project (Hope you are going to join too Gwilym). The idea behind it is that you really LOOK at something and produce a short piece - maybe a couple of lines. If you go to you will see some examples and get the idea. I feel a bit rusty but hope to get better as the month progresses - so here's my first offering:-

Twelve blackbirds, hopping and running, fall out over the food scattered on the grass, while the industrious wren works quietly through the hedgeback.


  1. I love your love of nature,Pat. Many Happy returns for 2011, wishing health and happiness to you and yours.

  2. Don't think I ever get more than one or two birds together here. Must be the cats! Happy new year. Glad you're in the project too.

  3. weaver your writing reminds me to set out some food for the bottom-of-the-garden gang . . . birds and bunnies alike. steven

  4. Sort of like haiku for the brain?
    I love the idea of focusing on something
    teeny tiny
    instead of randomly galloping all over the place as my mind tends to.....
    Happy New Year to you and the farmer.

  5. Lovely, Pat. I look forward to reading more stones. They remind me of haiku verses.

  6. I was mildly stoned last night. Does it count?

    By the way it's the blog "a river of stones" people have to go to. Without that "a" it's somewhere else entirely.

    I shall keep a notebook as they suggest.

  7. Your words paint a lovely picture Pat - I can almost hear the squabbling blackbirds and catch glimpses of the tiny wren. Enjoy your new project and a happy and healthy New Year to you and your family.

  8. Wishing you a very Happy New Year ;-)x

  9. I like your short little verse or story, I will go visit the blog now. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  10. I remember you writing before about the birds you are feeding this winter.
    I really enjoyed reading about this small moment with the birds.

    I think that is why I enjoy writing a haiku, it makes you think about something in that moment.

    A lovely start to 2011

    cheers, parsnip

  11. Wishing you a Happy New Year, dear Weaver, and looking forward to reading your lovely interesting posts through the year!

  12. Great capture of the two different behaviour patterns! Somehow reminds me of the hare and the tortoise fable...but that is the earthly version and this is the sky version!

  13. Thanks for the positive comments - why not join in?
