Monday 24 January 2011


As the side effect of my drugs since my seizure is that my hair will thin, I decided to splash out and go to a very posh salon in Ripon - costs the earth but cuts fantastically and as I am saving mega pounds on not buying petrol (can't drive) decided to spend it on hair instead.

As we drove through Middleham on our way to Ripon we coincided with the racehorses leaving Mark Johnstone's stables on their way to the Middleham gallops. What magnificent animals they are, honed to perfection even if they are rather flighty. I managed to snap them as they turned to go up to the gallops and then to snap another one as it passed in front of us. Not very good photos I am afraid, but good enough for you to admire how beautiful they are. (and my hair looks better for a good cut too.)

today's aros: six long tailed tits make their own pattern hanging on the fat balls.


  1. Wonderful Pat! We live next door to racing horse stables and love our walks up the lane - each of them come over for a snuggle up! Lovely There is a galloping circuit too so once the weather improves I'll be up with my camera.

  2. Congrat's on the cut, everybody should spoint themselves once in a while I think. The horses, such quiet gentle strength. Beautiful creatures.

  3. I know nothing about horses but I do know that a proper haircut is worth the money. I only have to get mine cut twice a year since I found my lovely stylist. I have it cut into a short (collar length) bob and it grows to about shoulder length in the 6 or 8 months I leave it but stays neat and bouncy. Which actually makes her considerably better value than the cheap place.

  4. This is what my little tourist mind imagines life in the UK is ....
    Village life of course.

    And with mrsnesbitt comment I am further enamored ! I also love the duck avatar....

    cheers, parsnip

  5. I have thin hair - but then who wants fat hair!

  6. They are beautiful creatures, aren't they Pat? Pity you didn't get a snap of yourself leaving the salon looking good too! If it's any comfort my hair has always been thin and I might eventually have to bring back the fashion for little lace caps - Queen Victoria style. They should look good with slacks and a t-shirt or fleece, depending on the weather!!

  7. I worked in Lambourne for about 3 months - what a bloody nightmare race horses are to drive past on a narrow lane...

  8. How wonderful to come upon such regal animals on their way to the gallops. I'm glad you've found yourself a great hairdresser. I need to find one too who is adept with cutting and styling fine thin hair. Hope you are feeling well and have a great week!

  9. Glad to hear your gave yourself a treat, I hope it did good things for your state of mind :)

    Thank you for your comment on my post. Fresh air is on tomorrow's 'to do' list.

    And Rare Lesser Spotted's comment made me laugh - I'd forgotten, but that's what my Granddad used to say about his hair (or lack of!).

  10. What elegant animals. They are truly beautiful, as I'm certain you are after your day at the salon.

    Very fortuitous to run into the "other" exquisitely groomed creatures. Cheers!

  11. it's always amazing to see really refined animals. i also like the scruffy ones - you know, the blackpool donkey types!!! steven

  12. oh the long tailed tits! Lovely wee birds as you said in your comment on my blogpost! Such a delight to watch, I'm glad they're visiting your feeder!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Try again without the typing errors AJ! :)

    Horses scare me. They are so unpredictable. I can just about cope with a slow and steady shire but race horses are just too highly strung for me!

    BTW. We're about an hour and a half from Blists Hill. It's not far but it's not on the doorstep either. K was at Uni in Wolverhampton so he knows that area well.

  15. Okay, I'm behind in my reading. Seizure. I'm so sorry. At least you are still finding joy in what's been handed to you. I've enjoyed seeing the horses. Take great care of yourself.

  16. Excellent decision re the petrol money, I have to say.
    And the racehorse pictures just wonderful as they are - I could hear the noise on the street in my head!

  17. Please you liked the pictures - not brilliant but they certainly got over the feel of these magnificnet but highly strung animals. Thank you for the comments.
