Friday 28 January 2011


Winter has not lost its icy grip
although the sun rides higher in the sky
and bathes the sheltered corner with its warmth.

For in the shaded lane the muddy pools
are frosted with an ever-changing art
that tempts the foot to shatter with a crack
that echoes through the cold, sharp air.

And in the hedge
the celandine
awaits a shaft of sun
to make it show
its golden face again.

No, although it is a very sunny day here there was a very sharp frost and a sprinkling of snow this morning. And as we drove to Northallerton we could follow the course of the River Ure by the fog which hung over it.

We still have to get through February. But - at the moment there is a super gardening programme on our television every Friday evening, looking at Carol Klein's garden throughout the year. She quite rightly says that even in the darkest days of Winter magical things are happening under the soil in our gardens.

So, thinking about that, I have just been round the front garden with my camera and found six things to cheer me up - and I hope they cheer you up too. Alright, some of them are pretty tatty and look as though they have been through the mill. But they are all harbingers of Spring - so enjoy the magic moment.

Flowers - left to right, top to bottom:

Primula wanda Helleborus argutifolius
Snowdrop Primrose
Aconite Helleborus niger (Christmas rose)

(This is the first poem I have written since I was ill - the first poem in fact that I have felt like writing.)

today's aros: magic workings underground bring forth early Spring flowers.


  1. I love the "ever changing art" line, really resonating with me today. We have spring like weather here in Phoenix and I've got buds coming up here and there and it's got me thinking so much about seeds and how amazing just one seed is. Hope you have a lovely sunny weekend.

  2. WOW !
    Wonderful poem I enjoyed it very much.
    The second part " temps the foot to shatter" so perfect !
    I can't believe after your very freezing winter you have plants trying to grab a foothold and bloom.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. I loved the poem - it gave me great pleasure. You must have a more sheltered garden than me as your plants are ahead of mine, even though you're further north.

  4. Yes - I need to go for a good walk round our garden!

  5. A magical post, Pat. I agree - Carol Klein is great. And it's certainly cheering to see those early Spring flowers.

  6. Magical words and magical pictures Pat - very cheering indeed - thankyou. So pleased to hear you feel like writing again - that must be a good sign. We like Carol Klein too - her enthusiasm is infectious.

  7. Isn't it odd how poetry like painting or any other artistic outlet, seems to stick in one's throat when one is unwell. I too had not written anything for many months until a foggy day produced an upwelling of words.
    February is the month of little miracles , visible where there is no snow, yet even under the snow the little buds are pushing ever upwards.

    How I long for hedgerows full of primroses and snowdrops and woods awash with Anemone blanda.

  8. Great to see you expressing your feelings in poetry again, Weaver. I thought the Muse mightn't stay away too long!

  9. Loved the poem, and glad you are finding some evidence of Spring.
    We are heading into a heat wave 39, 42, 40 39 degrees C are the next few days forcasts.
    The garden will shrivel.

  10. It's lovely to see your flowers being brave after their winter trials and tribulations. Gives us all hope!

  11. oh my goodness, what marvelous imagery! I could just about literally sit in front of this computer and read it over and over again for a full 24 hours! great job and this is the first post of yours that I have read so I am definitely looking forward to the next one slightly further down the page! Keep it up!

  12. I just love your posts! Photos, poems, and a personal glimpse into your life in the country. Please keep writing!

  13. I just love your posts! Photos, poems, and a personal glimpse into your life in the country. Please keep writing!

  14. Thank you for the comments - it is good to be getting back into poetry again - thanks for the support.

  15. Beautiful post, Weaver, right up my street. Such a pleasure to read....

  16. Ah, beloved primroses - always so recognizable by those strappy, textured leaves - Spring cannot be far behind!

  17. Oh how encouraging to see these. Thank you very much :)
