Friday 3 December 2010

There is beauty....

This photograph should have gone on my blog yesterday - but somehow I never caught up all day. I took this out of my front door at seven o'clock yesterday morning and the temperature was minus nine. It shows the crescent moon and the morning star and if I had taken it one second later it would have shown two rooks making their way up the dale. I suppose that is the story of every bird-photographer's life! Hope to see you later on today - this is a very early post.


  1. Wow - great picture! You can see the moon and the star so clearly. Minus nine though? Gosh - wrap up very warm!

  2. Oh, fabulous, Pat. I've tried so often to take moon/stars/big night sky pictures outside the house but never got close to this. You should print and frame it!

  3. That is a perfect photograph. At this time of the year we often have a very similar scene of the new moon and the EVENING star. Of course it's evening here when it's morning where you are. It must be the same star!

  4. Cold indeed Pat - Friday was the cldest so far over here.
    Keep warm

  5. What an amazing photo, Weaver. Your moon is particularly compelling, against that shade of irresistible blue.

  6. A lovely atmospheric photograph. I think it's probably better without the rooks as they would take eye from the star. So you were lucky in that respect.

  7. Rooks or no rooks, that's a beautiful photograph Pat and well worth waiting a day for. I haven't managed a post for days, mainly because we're having the kitchen redecorated and I've been otherwise engaged. We have rain at present so most of our snow has gone, but minus four is forecast overnight so tomorrow's roads will be treacherous.

  8. weaver the colder days are fantastic opportunities to see clearly. you must have a super steady hand to get pictures of the moon so crisp!!! minus eleven here as i write. happily it'll warm up to minus four by mid - day. can you imagine we have almost the same temperatures!!! steven

  9. Forget the rooks. The natural world is always changing—especially the light, not to mention passing birds—and we outdoor photographers all miss countless moments when a second later or earlier MIGHT have produced a better shot. What counts is the photo you did get…and this one great.

  10. A sensational photo! The moon and the star, like the morning air, are very crisp. Well done!

  11. Beauty indeed. We have been enjoying similar views all the way over here in Arizona, that's neat.

  12. Beautiful picture. What a wonderful world we live in!

  13. Wonderful photo....just stunning to see them so clearly.Thankyou!

  14. Fabulous photo !
    not so fabulous temperature !

    I love when I take a photo with a moon or stars, even raindrops and get to see the surprising results.

    cheers, parsnip

  15. Have had much to catch up on with your posts Weaver. Was surprised to learn that you were not well recently and hope you are feeling much better. It looks very cold in your part of the world - very "English Christmas card" that we all grew up with here in Australia, displaying these unfamiliar snow-covered scenes from 'the mother country' on our mantle-pieces.
    Such a beautiful photograph you've given us!
    England is a beautiful place, and regarding an earlier post of planning holiday destinations there, I wouldn't know where to start. The quick time I spent there years ago did not do it justice. Felt I missed so much!

  16. How beautiful and peaceful! I love looking at the night sky.

  17. I like this photo - it seems to draw you up towards the deep blue sky.

  18. I am so pleased that you all liked this picture - I think that the over-riding feeling one gets from it is one of cold - but then, I was standing there on the step in my dressing gown, taking the picture! Thanks as usual for taking the trouble to read it and comment.

  19. Thanks for freezing your fingers and toes so we could see this wonderful picture.

  20. Yes, beautiful.
    I've never yet managed to photogaph the moon, let alone a star! Well done. Keep warm.

  21. Just gorgeous and crystal clear!

  22. What a stunning photo Pat. I have been catching up with and enjoying your posts but I just had to comment on this photo. xxx
