Wednesday 29 December 2010


Even after the computer doctor's visit I am still having some problems with my computer. Again this afternoon it seized up and the only way I could switch it off was to remove the battery and start again. So here I am, early evening, and no blog put on today.

I was intending to write about Family History, so it will now have to wait until tomorrow as I really enjoy the six o'clock news bulletin - it is the only one during the day that I watch and i don't like to miss it.

Here the snow has gone slowly throughout the day and the mist and fog has moved around so that one moment the sky would be blue and the next moment you could barely see in front of you. Maybe it is good that the snow is going slowly; a fast thaw would probably mean flooding in some places because the ground is so thoroughly frozen that the water cannot soak in. The poor wading birds, who rely on pushing their beaks into the soil to search for food, must be having a really hard time.
I was watching a curlew the other day with the farmer and we wondered what would happen if the curlew pushed too hard into the icy soil. Would it break its beak - and if so would it surely die? Not a nice thought.


  1. It is strange how similar our weather is at the moment even though we are miles apart Pat. This morning the fog was lifting and meeting low cloud over the hills, looking quite spectacular. I'm not looking forward to the next lot of winter due this weekend. Maybe your computer doesn't like it either! We come to rely on them, don't we? I do hope it lets you do tomorrow's post.

  2. ahhh weaver, i've never thought of a bird with a broken beak. i know i've never seen one. hmmmm. i'm wishing you well with your poor old computer! steven

  3. I can understand computer problems... having just gone through months of wanting to throw the computer and printer into a wall or out the window.
    Now it is fixed yea ! ! !

    I rather love the days when the fog/mist swirls in and out, beautiful.

    Keep well and warm,
    cheers, parsnip

  4. So sympathetic about computer problems!
    I remember the days I had to take my computer apart
    and take the battery out and blow on it!!
    Totally frustrating.
    Just got back from failing to go to Long Island -went to the station to discover trains still in disarray after the blizzard........thought I might get stuck in the middle of nowhere.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR if I don't get back to you sooner.

  5. Curlews have dealt with more intractable winters than we have. I'd guess they have some inbuilt sense of beak-breaking point against icy soil.

  6. I know of other bird's beaks which have been glued back on with super-glue, if that's any consolation...

  7. Thinking of the birds and their beak breaking point. What a thought!

    Everything of the best for 2011 Weaver!

  8. No curlews here, but a bunch of great-tits now queuing at the feeder. Also the usual 3 crows just dropped by for their pieces of cheese rind.

    Sunny -8°C

    Prosit Neues Jahr!

  9. The curlews that live in a nearby marshy valley seem to have left during this hard winter. Maybe they have made for the coast, where mud and sand will stay soft for longer under salty water?

    Good luck with sorting out the computer.
