Sunday 19 December 2010

Peter Goulding
The Bug
Rachel Fox
Dick Jones
Revolutionary Revelry
Poet in Residence
Some Things I Think About
Poetikat's Invisible Keepsakes
120 socks
Ragged Old Blogger
Enchanted Oak
Pics and Poems
A Circle is Cast...
Poetry Matters
...made out of words
Keeping Secrets

Thank you to Dominic for doing these links for the Poetry Bus. Thank you also to all those who participated. If your name is not on this list I do apologise but my computer has been on a go-slow-strike. The doctor has been this morning and as I type my computer has a lot of pzazz. Long may it last. I am now going to begin the trip round blog land reading all those entries. Keep warm - still minus ten here.


  1. Oh you're still missing a few - Carolina Linthead, Ann T. Hathaway & Titus. There might be more, but those are the ones I remember off the top of my head.

    Great bus this week!

  2. Many thanks for hosting, Pat.

    Those pictures of your shed windows brought back memories of my childhood bedroom window on a winter's morning.

  3. Dear Weaver,
    Yes, and where do we go for our next ticket? I don't know all the rules yet.

    thanks to The Bug for remembering me!
    Ann T.

  4. Late, but better than missed! I guess I commented on the wrong post to get on the list.
