Thursday 16 December 2010

Get the bad weather tyres on the POETRY BUS

We went past Lady Hill in Wensleydale again today on our way to meet friends for lunch in Hawes (more about that tomorrow) and my goodness me, what a difference a day makes. Now there is a covering of snow all around as we drive through. More snow is forecast and the roads are very dangerous.

But, nothing ventured, nothing gained, the Poetry Bus must drive on Monday come what may. I am the driver this week. Now, as most of you know by now my recent illness has meant that I can no longer drive. Still I shall metaphorically drive the old bus round England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and across the Atlantic - rather like Santa Claus's sleigh the bus can be in many places at once. So here is this week's subject. It is just one word: STAR

Here are just a few suggestions: a star can be a twinkling celestial body; a sphere of gaseous material held together entirely by its own gravitational field; a planet; a comet; a meteor; a gold star on a good piece of work; any five pointed figure; THE Christmas star; Haley's comet; the star on the nose of a horse; Marilyn Monroe type star; the star in a school nativity play; an asterisk. Any of these or any other interpretation you wish to put on it.

All I ask is that if you grab a seat on the bus and post a poem, please let me know. I am useless at links but I will publish a list of all those who participate.
There are a lot of stars out there - so let them shine on Monday please.


  1. The view of Lady Hill looks very different and will probably change many times before winter is over. We just have to take what comes and enjoy getting out and about when we can. I like your choice of subject for the Poetry Bus and will put my thinking cap on. It hasn't been working lately, but I'll see what I can do.

  2. This is great Weaver, I love the stars. Great potential here with symbolism and metaphor and mince pies!

    I just put mince pies in because I like them.

  3. And a bit of a star yourself, Weaver! I love a metaphorical drive.
    Hoping to be with you...

  4. Very timely and interesting, hopefully I'll grab a seat on your metaphorical bus ride!

  5. Great prompt!!

    I've been wanting to write a star poem for awhile and shied away because I've a nice sun and moon poem and want a decent set, but this will force me to bite the bullet.


  6. Love the theme, and it looks like frabjous stoat-racing weather over there!
    Take it easy!

  7. Good prompt Weaver - my ticket is here

  8. I've just been reading the UK Telegraph and it looks like you're in for a white Christmas, Weaver! Stay warm and cozy next to the fire wit the Farmer and Tess. I'll be back to read the poems!

  9. Here's mine - it turned out to not be as hard as I was afraid it would be.

  10. Yes, I didn't think I'd manage something... and then I did it early after all!


  11. Thank you for such terse prompt, and seasonal too. You thought of so many potential subjects that I can't think of a single one to add to your list. Wait! How about STARBOARD! STARLINGS, those nasty little birds!
    This will be fun. I'll check in later with a starry-eyed ticket.

  12. Lying in the snow, looking up at the stars on
    Thanks for the prompt, Pat.

  13. Heather,
    First of all, I hope this finds you in good health and spirit. A lovely prompt! Thank you!

    My post is up here:

    Merry Christmas!

  14. A bit premature, I fear. I'm not sure what I'll be up to - if anything - over the next couple of days, so I'm on the bus early with what I hope you will accept as a return ticket.
    Cracking prompt. Thanks for it!

  15. Hello Pat,
    More by chance than anything I've just posted a poem - The Moonants. I don't know if it counts. More than once I've caught a wrong bus.
    But anyway there you are.
    All the best,
    Gwilym (today's high: -5°C)

  16. Here's my ticket.

  17. Hello Weav, I think I'll have a seat this week, it's seems it's meant to be. I can empathise with the not driving, the visual problems I have with fibromyalgia won't allow me to drive. I see this as a blessing, perhaps I'd be worse off for not walking as much? I get to see the beautiful country and have all that fresh air.

  18. I love the way you have taken the same view, but what a difference! Amazing. We have escaped much of the weather thankfully, although it's far too cold and the bit of snow we have is frozen. I'm sorry that you are unable to drive at the moment.

  19. Will give this some thought, Weaver and I'm sure I'll be star-struck, eventually!


  20. I'm back sooner than I expected to be and here's my starry poem:

    I really enjoyed this prompt, Weaver. Thank you!


  21. Have my ticket now, thanks for driving Weaver!

  22. I didn't think anything much would come from this,but a small scene did- thanks!

  23. Thanks for such an inspirational prompt. I have put my small attempt at

  24. Here's my ticket!

  25. You've inspired me! And at last I've done it! Can't wait to read all the others :)

  26. Thought I'd jump on the bus for the first time if there is a spare seat!

  27. Ooh, who's Gordon?
    Anyway, I've just made it, and the poem is here:

  28. Dear Weaver,
    I found you through Carolina Linthead and before that, The Bug!

    I'll take my first ride on the bus. Thanks ever so much,

    Ann T. Hathaway

  29. I'm on, hanging to the exhaust pipe by my nails:

  30. I'm jumping on late with a ready made ticket HERE

  31. I hope this application for a ticket this week is not too late. My child's eye view of STARS is Here

  32. Are we the last? Is there still standing room? Hubs and I have posted a ticket's worth HERE


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  35. I'll take my first ride on the bus. Thanks for sharing.

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