Saturday 21 August 2010

Better the day...better the deed,

Seventeen years ago today, at 11am, between morning and evening milking times, the farmer and I were married in our village church. Dominic 'gave me away' (with hindsight he could probably have charged the farmer rather than giving me away for free!) and my eldest grand-daughter, who was then seven years old, was my bridesmaid.

At the time I was President of our local W.I. and the ladies of the W.I. formed a guard of honour of saucepans at the church door. There was wall-to-wall sunshine (and there has been metaphorically ever since).

The tradition in our village is that during the service the village children tie up the churchyard gates. The 'best man' (in this case the farmer's brother) has to throw handfuls of small change over the gate for the children to scramble for before the gate is opened. Once this had been done the farmer and I walked the hundred yards or so to the village hall, where village ladies had prepared a lunch for family members.

Then we went home, changed into more suitable gear, and got on with farming. Such was the life of the farmer seventeen years ago. On the next Saturday evening we held a big 'knees-up' for all our friends, in celebration.

Honeymoon, I hear you ask??? I went alone to Marrakech for a week walking in the High Atlas Mountains, but it was another year before the farmer found a manager who could look after things, so - a year late - we went off to Canada. The first of many visits to our favourite country.

Today the farmer is judging the vegetables, eggs and hay at a local village show, so we are leaving celebrations until tomorrow. On our travels around I will take photographs so that you can join in the celebrations of seventeen happy years together.


  1. How happy he looks! That man loves you!

  2. Congratulations - what a lovely post :D


  3. My mother remarried when she was sixty five and for the next 18 years she had a wonderful second marriage. It was his second marriage, too. He died in his mid eighties, but my mother has such good memories. It seems to me apart from the fact that the children came from her first marriage she rates her second marriage more highly, as if she could compare.

    Happy anniversary, Weaver. The wedding you describe and the life that has followed sounds wonderful. Long may it continue.

  4. Aw! Lovely Pat! Indeed a lovely photograph! Village shows are all happening right now - so lovely to be part of Yorkshire eh?


  5. Congratulations Pat, to you and your dear Farmer. Many blessings to you both. Have a wonderful celebration. Your photograph is lovely.

  6. Congratulations Weaver! I agree with rachel. Your farmer looks as happy as proud as punch.

  7. Quick dash back into the Land of Blog to say 'Congratulations'.

    Hope Tess is fine
    T&T send woofs

  8. As always a delightful insight into a way of life that is just sufficiently different to be fascinating, but not so much so that I can't relate to it.

    I didn't have time to leave a response - my part of the web was grinding to a halt at the time - but my thanks now for the R.I.P. A beautiful man and the maker of some beautiful poetry.

  9. Congratulations! Now I have to figure out what a 'knees up' is ... hmmmm

  10. Happy anniversary, Weaver! It sounds a lovely start to a happy 17 years and counting. Enjoy your celebrations this weekend—and thank you for letting your blog "family" share.

  11. What a lovely, lovely post Pat - congratulations to you both and may you have many more years of sunshine together. I can see why you fell for each other - you make a very attractive couple. Your wedding sounds delightful - a real village wedding with everyone involved.

  12. Happy Anniversary! Lovely photo of the happy couple!

  13. Wishing you both many happy returns of the day. I'm sure the time has flown by. Good to be happy together!

  14. How lovely me dear! Congratulations and best wishes for the next seventeen. I hope the show is as great a success as the belated celebrations to follow.

  15. Congratulations to you and the Farmer!

  16. Congratulations. You both made absolutely the right choice I think : ) Jennie xx

  17. My God! The Farmer looks like he's as pleased as punch-and so he should be.

    Very many congratulations on your !& yeras together and I (literally) raise a glass (okay , a bottle) to wish you many many many more fruitful, healthy and joyous years together.Pip pip! Hooray!!

  18. Oh, I love the way he's got his arms around you!
    Wishing you both a lovely day!

  19. Many many congratulations to you and the farmer. Hope today was as good as 17 years ago and here's to the next 17 years.

  20. Well done. You have certainly had to compromise, being married to a farmer, but looks like you've made the best of it and enjoy the benefits too.

  21. What joy!
    What a super post.
    Wishing you many, many more happy years.
    Love the idea of the children scrabbling for change
    and the saucepan guard of honour.
    Yes, your son should have asked a high price for you!

    This is so thrilling.

  22. Happy Anniversary and enjoy your celebrations.

  23. Happy Anniversary to you and the farmer, Pat. I loved this story about your wedding day, particularly about the saucepan honor guard and the farm work that had to be done later in the day. I'm sure that your entire family was proud then, as they are today. May you and the farmer have many more years together, keeping you happy so that you can keep the world informed of happenings in your wonderful little corner of the world.

  24. From Charles and I the very best of wishes to you and the Farmer, Weaver. A lovely tale of your wedding day and such a happy picture....I can just see the saucepan brigade and imagine the children at the gate and the friendly celebration lunch. We wish you many more years of happiness together, and if you ever come to your favourite visiting country again do come West and see us!

  25. Congratulations !
    Wonderful post
    I love the saucepan guard of honor and the lovely tradition of gate tie-up and the coins being thrown...

    Lovely !

    cheers, parsnip

  26. Congratulations to you both and may you have many more years together. What a fascinating description of village customs - it must have been a charming wedding. cheers, Robin

  27. weaver it's so wonderful that you found each other! steven

  28. Thank you for all the messages of congratulations - they were received with thanks from us both.

  29. Here I am, late, but wishing you every happiness in the years ahead. I loved the story of your wedding - very sweet, very romantic. I'm glad you like Canada such a lot - let me know when you come back to the west coast!

  30. Congratulations on so many wonderful years!!! And here is to many more, even better ones!!!

  31. Congratulations and may you have many more anniversaries to follow.
