Friday 4 June 2010

June and the Poetry Bus!

I am so glad I am driving the bus on Monday because a meander through the Dales countryside will not find a better week-end than this. June in all its glory is peppering the fields and I have taken a few photographs to inspire you. So rarely these times do we get what I would call a 'proper' June (and it is set to bring forth thunderstorms on Sunday, so it is only temporary). All these photographs were taken within a stone's throw of my front door.
The pastures have sheep and lambs and young stock. The meadows are yellow with buttercups and grass growing ready for silaging. The lane is bordered with our indigenous wild flowers - clover, pink campion, stitchwort, wood avens, and the glorious bird's eye (germander speedwell) - not to mention my favourite cow parsley, the smell of which fills the air today.
The sun is shining, there is a cooling breeze, the farmer is off to the Auction Mart and I am going with him to wander round the market and meet friends for coffee, before popping in for a hair cut.
Enjoy the photographs. See you all on the bus on Monday morning, do hope the sun still shines.


  1. gorgeous pictures and descrptions, should be a very pleasant journey!
    Thanks in advance!!

  2. I do feel homesick - isn't that weird the Yorkshire countryside via Hong Kong! Enjoy your weekend

  3. Your countryside is just glorious, Weaver! And so close at hand.

    I just finished 4 discs of a BBC television series called "Lark Rise To Candleford" - what a treat it was and although it took place in the Victorian era and it made me think of you, across the sea.

  4. Oh I remember all those beautiful wild flowers and more! They make me feel homesick too. I have seen nothing that matches the colors and delicacy of the English wild flowers in the spring/summer.

  5. In one word:"Summertime!
    Lovely to feel the sun after these cold days in the past few weeks. My Australian family were freezing when they arrived on 5 May. We had them packed in coats, scarfs and gloves. Fortunately there were also two or three warm days, so that they really got to see that it was not all icy wind and clouds.
    I hope you had a nice stay in Italy!

  6. Wonderful pictures and I love cow parsley too Pat. I'll be at the bus stop in good time. Enjoy your trip to the market.

  7. Cow parsley was big at Chelsea this year - thanks for lovely summery pics Weaver

  8. Why would you want to throw stones at the cows?

  9. What a beautiful part of the country you live in, and so close to your home. I love to see all the wild flowers, May and June are such wonderful months for flowers.

  10. wow, you are spoiled with so many wildflowers around you! And the header!

  11. Oh dear, your typos showing! 'Sheep with lamps'cracked me up - what an enlightened bunch! LOL :)Loved all the wild flowers though...

  12. Sorry about the typo! Have corrected it now but Jinksy made me laugh - sheep and lamps would be rather nice in the middle of the night!

  13. Different wildflowers, different cows, add llamas, goats, horses, a few empty beer cans tossed along the roadside, and we're a stone's throw from my front door in Connecticut, U.S.A! Isn't it grand to see it all come alive in the summer? Well, except for the beer cans...
    Thunderstorms on a Sunday morning... how lovely!

  14. Lovely photographs. What a ride! An d yes, I shall be boarding it again this week. Hope to see you there.

  15. Peter - believe me there are times when throwing stones is the only way to get rid of them - they cluster round the gates as though their lives depended on being there.

  16. Hey Weaver, I've posted my bus ticket here:

    See you!

  17. I was only thinking yesterday that it's been ages since we had a 'proper' June and this is it I feel. It is raining today but, boy, do we need it.

    Lovely photos and descriptions as always.

  18. Weaver.... You forgot to place my name on the bus list.
