Saturday 29 May 2010

Bank Holiday Saturday.......

....... I neverthought I would hear myself saying this but we are so desperate for rain to make the grass grow for silage that even on a Bank Holiday it is very welcome. In spite of a forecast of heavy rain we have so far had only two millimetres, but it is dull, damp and cold - so hopefully there will be more before it moves on. Tomorrow is supposed to revert to 'proper' weather for the time of the year.
This morning it was really back to normal as I did my usual Saturday morning thing of meeting friends for coffee in The Golden Lion. Much to their consternation I took a photo and also one of the rest of the bar. The pub, which is in the absolute centre of our little market town,, has recently changed hands and is warm and welcoming. We only ever go in for coffee but we are welcomed like old friends. And speaking of old friends the lady on the right is eighty eight years old and had a major cancer operation only three weeks ago and is already, in her words, 'back to normal..' She is amazing. When told she needed an urgent operation she agreed on condition the surgeon chose a time so that it did not interfere with her social calendar! Now she has turned down five weeks of radio therapy in favour of regular three monthly check-ups as the five week stint would break into her two planned holidays with her family. You have got to admire her spirit.
Next week is Appleby Horse Fair - a major event in the North of England. Already Romanies and Travellers are making their way through the Dales towards Appleby with their horses and their covered caravans. Some are parked on our local Auction Mart field - their horses are tethered on the road side for a good feed of grass. I didn't like to be too intrusive so took both photographs from the car window . But at least you get a flavour of what it looks like.
Have a nice week-end.


  1. My, my, you do lead a busy life.....
    I languished in hospital for a month but am now on the mend with some home nursing. Thank you for your thoughts.

  2. I wish you a very nice holiday weekend, Weaver. I hope that there will be more photos of the horse fair and Travelers - nothing at all like that over here.
    Your friend's spirit and spunk are amazing - a good example of getting on with life.

  3. I too would like more photos on the Fair and the Travelers
    As I think I said once before I "found" your area on one of my trips and every time I read your blog, I feel like I am there again.
    cheers, parsnip

  4. I could send you a drop or two of our wonderful Welsh rain - we had a little to spare today! Its certainly fresheded things up - the grass is looking lush!

    Vicky x

  5. Rain all day here Weaver, steady but not heavy. Praying for a dry day tomorrow as responsible for a rather large outdoor event...
    Ah Appleby. Just a brilliant fair, another world, in fact.

  6. Your friend is a remarkable lady and looks so well in the photo. I hope her treatment will work for her. The Horse Fair sounds like an interesting event.

  7. The spirit of your friend is amazing Pat! Love her spunk! Aren't the caravans fabulous! It's a real otherworldy blast for us here as we have nothing remotely like them in Oz! Sending you rainy thoughts as it has done nothing but rain here for months now, but that's the subtropics for you, sunshine and rain!

  8. I can't imagine anyone in England anywhere ever being in need of rain, but that's my Australian prejudice speaking. Droughts can happen anywhere. Thanks Weaver.

  9. I dont seem to get much blogging done lately, managing just once a week but reading here makes me realise how much I have missed the company of my good friends like yourself! my how time flies when in the company of good people

  10. I just complained about the rain here in Washington State we are used to it but there are always those sunny clear windows of sunshine that make living in rain country worth while, but these last couple of weeks have gotten to my happy soul and I find myself grumbling about he rain, my poor tomatoes are in suspended animation and the old damp wilt is hitting here and there in my garden, not to mention the new crop of bunnies hitting my beans, how in the world did the pioneers survive they did not have the super to go to I can imagine how hard it must have been to grow enough to support a family I'm afraid mine would starve. So chin up I hear the sun is really up there even when it rains. Hard to believe on a cold rainy day but it is true...

  11. Toronto's rainfall has been a bit sparse this spring. Very unusual weather we've been having. It seems all over the globe the weather is different.

    Lovely photos, Weaver.

  12. I know just how you feel about the rain Weaver. We have been longing for it too, for the garden and to fill up the empty water containers about. You wouldn't credit it, would you? I love your ladies for coffee morning and wish I was there to join in. What a marvel the lady with cancer is. Good for her, what spirit indeed. I hope the fair went well.
