Monday 21 December 2009

Still in snow.

Not much time today but I thought you might like to see one or two images of Wensleydale in the snow. We had to go up through the Pennines to Hawes this morning. We have had no snow all weekend but what we had last week is still there. However, the roads are just about clear and have been gritted and salted, so we set off in good heart.
The forecasters tell us that this week's snow is coming down from the Arctic and entering in by the North West and as we are in the East we have missed most of it. But as we neared Hawes, which is West of here and high in the Pennine Hills we began to see a deterioration. By the time we got to Hawes - a small market town - the roads were much harder to negotiate and by the time we got to the farm gate we decided that the incline was too much to bear and we went no further.
So enjoy the photographs, all taken from a moving car as the farmer was not inclined to stop for the photographer.


  1. My husband is much like yours--stop to take a picture? Why?

    You were able to take some nice shots. Very pretty!

  2. Fabulous photos Weaver. I especially like the first one - the gate and trees. Such pretty scenes. Thank you for the tour.

  3. Amazing transformations, thanks for the photos. My blog has snowy shots from our new favorite vacation spot to ski, but we gave it up this week due to heavy work schedule (lucky to have) and a lot of family arriving for Christmas Day, (who knows when again?)

  4. Nice dusting of snow you have there, Weaver. (Okay, I'm kidding. Looks like a rather serious bit of snow…even by Ohio standards.)

    I love the photos of the countryside. And especially like the one of the gate and snow-covered lane beyond. All you needed was a scarlet cardinal to set it off! :-D

  5. Oh Hawes! Yes one of our places on route to IOM! I bet there wasn't any bikes there today?
    Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! The thought of it in this weather!

    Stay warm!

  6. hello Weaver. I can't remember how I got here, but I have enjoyed my visit! Your little dog is just adorable. We don't have much snow in Bucks, just a few inches, so I enjoyed your photos. Nice to meet you! Kath

  7. That first photograph reminds me of Frost's "Stopping by Woods..." poem. Very picturesque, all of the photos, but I'm sure not much fun to navigate about in, in spite of the gravel. Just lots of rain and damp here near the PUget Sound's waters in the Pacific Northwest!

  8. Wonderful shots Weaver - the first one is so beautiful. Glad your main roads are clear and hope you don't get too much more snow. It is lovely to look at but does make life difficult. Keep warm and have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  9. Yes, the driving is terrible at the moment on the country roads (why no gritters!) but that first shot is wonderful Weaver; the very essence of cold.

  10. Love the photos, all that snow It looks beautiful. Love the roads with tree covered.
    Here sun and sea, equally beautiful.

  11. Lovely photos.Hawes looks pretty under a covering of snow. I only know that area from summer visits.

  12. Oh yes! Now that's snow .The first photo is a real beaut , I love it!
    No snow here but Jack Frost is nipping.

  13. It is all so beautiful, Weaver. I'm back from my rambles interstate to a hot and soon to be wet Melbourne. How wonderful to see snow on the other side of the world.

  14. Don't worry about the Farmer. Doesn't he know that those of us who live in somewhere hot are hanging out for all these white Christmas photos? You did a great job from a moving car anyway!

  15. Your opening picture is just marvelous!!!

  16. Over the river and through the glorious woods....

    Aloha, Friend!

    Comfort Spiral

  17. Hi nice picture I like snow in pic only. in real after snow fall if there is wine with sun.


    Dinesh Chandra

  18. Hello Weaver,

    Everyone seems agreed that your first photo is beautiful. Wonderful to see so long as it's through the window!

  19. All that snow is sure to lead to a glorious green spring, which now that's we're officially in winter, is right around the corner! I love the views of your countryside.

  20. I am glad you enjoyed the photographs - it was certainly warmer taking them from the car than it would have been standing in the road! The reality is that although everywhere looks beautiful it is bitterly cold and very slippery. This morning, luckily shortly after we finished our shopping in Tesco, their computers wenr down for an hour. You can imagine the chaos that caused! Keep warm,

  21. Lovely photographs Weaver but such a lot of snow. I don't blame you for turning back.
