Wednesday 9 September 2009


You never see them
pushing through the ground
as green shoots do
before the flower breaks forth.
It seems at night
they find a spot
and ARE,
so that
coming to the field in
the cool of the
Autumn morning,
their pointed domes,
smooth and shining,
their pale stalks
huddled together for support,
are there in the grass.

Catch them with your foot
and they collapse.
See them next day
and they've become
a sticky foetid mass.
But just for one day
you really feel
they could be hiding


  1. Ah autumn with a wealth of fungi!
    I have actually watched an Amonita break through the soil. Wonderful magic of magic mushrooms.

  2. Lovely poem.... we had a "fairy ring" at our house one time.... one of my favorite books as a kid did indeed feature pixies living in and about toadstools...

  3. Weaver, you make magic out of your environs. Lovely.

  4. Hello Weaver,

    Weaving a little magic of your own here! Hope the computer bugs are sorted.

  5. This is delightful Weaver. There must be something in us that, no matter how many birthdays we have had, we still think that pixies and fairies live in toadstools! I love them too and the way those very tiny ones cluster together in a little 'village'.

  6. With all the extra rain this summer, we had some huge ones. I adore the notion of little folk hiding underneath!

  7. I have never doubted that they hid pixies! Faith, that's what is needed these days!

  8. Mysterious, magical toadstools—indeed a home to pixies and fairies, and who knows what other wee folk?

  9. Weaver, You are so gifted, making poetry from a fungus is truly artistic. I love your blog!

  10. Could!Could!'Could' be hiding pixies/elves/faeries leprechauns? You mean there's a scurrilous rumour that they don't!! :o

  11. Very fun poetry! You've brought out the enchantment of those little fungi that just appear--ARE. Our dry air is not friendly to mushrooms which makes them even more surprising when they appear. (like your use of foetid)

  12. I would be careful not to kick the toadstools over in case you were to ire the pixies. From all of the tales I remember you want to stay on the good side of fairy folk. A wonderful poem and it's good to know the pixies have a faithful following! =D

  13. Lovely poem.

    And thanks for the reminder to start looking for them on my walks. Seems the Pacific Northwest and your part of England are on very similar schedules.

  14. I think, Weaver that my gnomes use them as stools! We call them toadstools like you do. Paddenstoelen. Pad=toad, stoel=stool(same pronunciation)

    Great poem!

  15. That is so beautiful Weaver. We are a bit romantic about toadstools and pixies and fairies aren't we?

  16. well yes, - pixies of course. And down the road elves.....a magical community. A whimsical poem, Weaver.

  17. wonderful poetry .


    dinesh chandra

  18. I love toadstools and mushrooms, when I was growing up I use to think fairies lived in them.,

  19. It's been a good year for fungi here already and autumn has only just started.....

  20. Delightful poem Weaver! Sometimes it really is the little things in life that give such pleasure.I remember when I was little and really believed in fairies - part of me still does- definitely in spirits of the garden anyway!

  21. Congrats on POTD mention. Pixies and toadstools do it for me, too...

  22. Yes! Hooray for Pixies and Toadstools.

    Your poem and accompanying photo was just what I needed this morning. Thank you!

    And congratulations for your POTD mention at authorblog.

  23. Well folks I am truly gratified - I thought it was only me who believed in pixies - now I know that you all do - then I am sure they are theyalthough we can't see them. You have all restored my faith in pixiedom!
    What are these congrats about a mention on POTD for? Sorry but could someone enlighten me please?

  24. Fabulous fungi! Congrats on the Post of the Day Award!

  25. And you should know how much I love the fungi! Lovely post today, my friend.

  26. Hi Weaver,

    Love the mushrooms (always thought there was something special/magical/ominous about mushrooms... are they yummy or will they do you in?

    Congrats on the POTD nom!

  27. what a lovely poem. almost magical. congrats on the POTD mention!

  28. A fun poem Weaver. Funny how they just appear out of nowhere. We have some very unique fungi here in the rain forest though this year because of drought there were not as many.
