Monday 31 August 2009

Where are you when I want you, Euterpe?

The muse was
on the washing line,
the ripe blackberry,
the last ripe cherry,
the rose gall,
the puff ball,
the new-born calf,
the puffy cloud.

She saw a poem in every one
but I ignored her plea;
at seven she's tired of waiting
and gone off for her tea!

Posted at 19.03 in response to TFE's request for spontaneous poems at seven!


  1. I did not realise that muses use washing lines to hide on...I've known them having cups of tea while I am left alone to struggle with a verse that only gets worse..

    You mentioned in your comment that my landscape was totally foreigh to you...when I came to live here 60 years ago it was to me as well, even the seasons were upside down. Although I have grown to love it over the years, my heart yearns for the flora and fauna of the Northern Hemisphere where every blade of grass and wildflower is part of my being. That really is the tragedy of being a citized of the world, wherever I am I am at home and yet miss somewhere else...

  2. Yes, that elusive Muse waits for no one.

    Great poem Weaver. Wish I could do that!!

  3. This is delightful Weaver. My mind was a total blank - I need time to think about things.

  4. Weaver - the title would have taken me 5 minutes! Like this, and like that shift from first section to second. And I laughed.

  5. My eduction on Greek Muses is sadly lacking. Had to do a little research. Now I have a visual of the lovely lady in flowing robes playing her flute while she balances on your clothes line. No wonder she went off to tea. How swift the muse leaves when the paper and pen come out. VERY NICE CONCISE WORK.

  6. Lovely Weaver, and thanks a million for joining in everybody has really gone for it.This one made me smile.I might try and set a different weekly task till people get bored.

  7. Love it!

    oh dear, word verification sounds like a serious condition - "menognia".

  8. Oh well done Weaver, I forgot all about it, typical me. Yours made me laugh.

  9. Inspired by yours, Weaver, I've just done one on my blog!! lol. It's BAD!

  10. By the way I had to google Euterpe, i thought you might have misspelled You! Twerp! Hey!

  11. Weaver,
    Your poem is short, sweet and delightful, much like a hot cup of tea. I loved it! Thank you for your a"muse"ing reflection!

  12. Wow, that was spontaneous? I am impressed!

  13. It's interesting what you get when following the time constraint. I like it!

  14. Too clever! Were we a wee bit peckish then, LOL! Obviously your muse had concentration issues due to starvation! Don't forget to feed her or she will stop pleasing you! Loved the poem Pat, very clever for the boundaries given.

  15. Just reading the comments, you twerp, mwahahahahaha!

  16. Hello Weaver,

    I googled Euterpe too, glad not to be alone in my ignorance! Fie on her for deserting you. It must be very difficult not to think thoughts in advance when such a task is before you! I like "rose gall/puff ball".

  17. Thanks c.g.p.

    Arija - some days the muse does not visit me at all!
    Interesting what you say about being a citizen of the world. I find when I am on holiday I miss home - and sometimes I still feel nostalgic for the place of my birth.

  18. To everyone - thanks for the comments - wasn't it a lovely idea. It's funny - all day I kept thing about things I could write about and then when it came to five minutes to seven all I could do was make a list of them. It is a good job I don't earn my living as a poet because writing to order for me is almost impossible. Glad some of you had to look up the word Euterpe - and typical of TFE's humour (he makes me laugh every post - closely followed by Derrick who has a tremendous sense of humour too). TFE threatens to give us a task for every Monday evening - hope he does - it is such a good idea - sharpens the mind no end after doing three loads of ironing!

  19. Fabulous, it really reminds me of a song by The White Stripes.
