Thursday 27 August 2009

What are we really like?

Thanks to Studio Sylvia, I have been given a task. That task is to tell you seven things about myself. And, as usual, that has set me thinking. Blogland friendships are unique in that we get to know quite a lot about each other and yet, only rarely, do any of us meet. I met Elizabeth of About New York when I was in New York earlier this year - that was lovely and we got on like house on fire, as they say. This week Derrick of Melrose Musings passed quite close to the farm but, of course, didn't know where I lived so couldn't call. Fiona of Marmalada Rose lives fairly near and we have met and it is only a matter of time before Denise of Mrs Nesbitt's Place calls to see me when out on the motor bike. But on the whole we form a picture of each of our blogland friends.
I often imagine Scribe, sitting with his evening drink, out on the decking watching the birds on his river. Or I might imagine Carol of Mistlethrush out on one of her bird-watching walks in the lovely Lancashire countryside. When Kate of Chronicles of a Country Girl went on holiday to Maine the other week I thought of her in that lovely coastal area. These are vicarious pleasures, but they are so enjoyable.
But seven things you don't know about me? Well that is more difficult. Here they are. I am supposed to ask seven of you to do the same. Instead of that I invite anyone who wishes to participate to try and find seven things about themselves that they wish to share - to "fill in the background" as it were. Why not have a go?

Seven Things you never knew about Weaver of Grass.

I am a Scorpio.
I am afraid of moths.
I don't like going to parties.
I am hard of hearing but hate wearing my hearing aid, preferring my own little world.
I hate confrontation and try to avoid all arguments.
I couldn't live without bananas.
I am very lacking in patience and want things doing yesterday.

So now I hope you know a little more about me.

# To fit in with the slightly enigmatic nature of this post I am posting a photograph of myself taken in 1979 - a photograph we always think of as "The Spy who stayed out in the cold"!


  1. That's a really beautiful photo ,Weaver,you look like a model! Brilliant snow, love snow!

  2. Well Weaver, now I do know a little more about you. I have a mental image of you either in gum boots (wellingtons I think they are called over your way), or sturdy walking shoes, enjoying the country life, walking along little tracks near your farm, viewing the colourful wild flowers and green fields. I imagine you going home to a cosy fire and sitting at your desk, writing the most wonderful paragraphs.

  3. You sound awfully like me - except for the moths; I don't mind them!

  4. Oh Weaver, I'm sure you would have enjoyed my birthday party over in Giraffe World!

    Bananas are an indispensable part of my life too - and onions!

  5. You not like moths because:
    a)they ate a sleeve of your best pullover
    b)you have a childhood memory of a big fluttery one that surprised you in the dark
    c)you recently swallowed one when you were asleep
    d)any other reason

    Two days ago I found a dead (?) moth in the fridge. It was clinging to a tetra-pak of so-called 'Healthy Breakfast Milk'.

  6. Hello Weaver,

    Very good title for the photo - and still keeping a little of the mystery! I'm a Scorpio too - loyal friend but implacable enemy!!

    Hopefully, next time I'm in your area, there will be time to arrange to meet.

  7. that is beautiful, and the seven things about u r normal in human being. always feel fresh to open your blog.


    dinesh chandra
    chandigarh India.

  8. Moths are OK: scorpions are not.
    I agree about the parties --too many people.
    Also the bananas!
    Love the picture of you out in the cold.
    I think meeting bloggers in the real world is excellent.
    I've met YOU, and about twenty others.
    We do reveal ourselves in our blogs.
    I'm still gardening but failing to recreate Sissinghurst in two weeks....

  9. Weaver, that is a marvellous photograph! The harmony of tones in it is great, and I like the mystery of the figure (you).
    And then you reveal some mysteries about yourself. The banana thing is the only weird one for me - I'm a bit take them or leave them, and can't stand them once they have a bit of black showing!

  10. I just found your blog through Sylvia and I see Kim at Merlin's Musings has left you the same award, yea, seven more things to find out! Loved your blog and I will be back!

  11. Weaver, we know more about you than we did before, but we don't know your name!!! Ha,ha,ha...
    What I do know is: I like you, you are kind and you always answer my comments. I don't like people who never answer my comments, fortunately most people do!I know not everybody has time to do so, but you always take time for your friends. Thank you!!

  12. Love the Doctor Zhivago shot of you!!! And being hard of hearing is perfect if you don't fancy loud arguments. :^)

  13. I did this task a while back I think. Yours is lovely and could be made into a poem without too much work I think. And the title? 'I couldn't live without bananas' of course. What a line.

  14. Thanks TFE - that has done my ageing ego a bit of good!

  15. Yes Sylvia - I do spend a lot of time in either walking boots or wellies! Thank you for suggesting I do this exercise - I shall be over for the award shortly.

  16. Dave - I will willingly send all moths south to add to yours. Are you Scorpio too? (we are bossy I am told)

  17. Raph - onions and bananas (sounds like a mild oath!) - not together I hope.

  18. Poet - are you sure that moth was not just in a state of suspended animation from the cold? What did you do with it?
    Shall go to bed with sticking plaster over my mouth in future after c)

  19. Look forward to seeing you one day Derrick, fellow scorpion.

  20. Elizabeth - Sissinghurst in two weeks - it took Vita Sackville West a liftime! Still - never give up trying.

  21. Titus - the blacker the better for me - my favourite bananas are the ones which are heavily spotted - i.e. almost over ripe.

  22. La Dolce Vita and dinesh - thank you for visiting please call again - you are always welcome.

  23. Reader wil - thank you for the comment - I think comments are the most interesting part and I always try to answer them - that is where one gets a two way conversation going.

  24. Willow - thanks for the compliment! I think you may be right - hering loss and parties and arguments - all go together.

  25. Rachel - I shall try the poem idea as I have to produce one for Monday for TFE's site. Have you seen that he is inviting anyone to produce a poem for 7pm on Monday?

  26. Rachel - I shall try the poem idea as I have to produce one for Monday for TFE's site. Have you seen that he is inviting anyone to produce a poem for 7pm on Monday?

  27. I was eager to read this when I saw what it was. I was dying too see if there was anything in the list I didn't know already.

    I was slightly surprised that you didn't like going to parties.

  28. You forgot to say that you have "a way" with words, but then again we knew that already.

  29. Thanks for your visit! I should like to see Saturn too.

  30. Lovely photo Weaver - you look very mysterious! We have several things in common from your list.

  31. Love the photo Weaver - I agree with many of your 7 things. Hmm, do bananas grow in England or do you import them?

  32. Nice photo on that snowy path. Thanks Weaver - I feel I know you a little better now.

  33. I am not a Scorpio but I always try my best to avoid confrontations. Sometimes while teaching though, I find confrontations are a difficult thing to avoid. Looking at your picture I am reminded that summer is coming to an end, but hopefully not that fast? BRRRRR!!! You look lovely and snuggy in your fluffy winter wear. Sunday or Monday I will try the "7 things" post. Thank you for suggesting it, I'm okay with bananas, moths and parties. Sleep soundly!

  34. Two of the most important people in my life are Scorpios - challenging characters, both, but extremely loyal and loving.
    What a great photo of you - very mysterious.

  35. It is indeed only a matter of time. I always think of you when we pass close by, usually heading home so in a hurry, often to miss the rain! However let's not think of rain, we are heading towards the sunshine of France. Cameras will be packed!


  36. Nice to know you a little better too Pat. I loathe parties too. Too much work trying to make conversation with people I don't know and have nothing in common with except the host. I'm over them, in fact I think I was over them when I was still young and single, LOL! Much prefer good close company, a glass of my fav tipple,intimate relaxed meal and a laugh with close friends. LOve your snow bunny pic, lol!

  37. Hello again Weaver; Just back from a walk; I saw the hawthorn berries and blackberries and hazelnuts and thought of you. Your autumn is further on than ours - hard to tell exactly how much, perhaps 2 weeks? or a little more. I'm sorry that you don't hear so well, but how very like you to see the positive in it. My father got a hearing aid a while ago and said he'd forgotten how much rubbish folk talk!

  38. Blog land is a funny old place really. Do we reveal more or less of our true selves in our posts? My ramblings have a tendancy to be quite emotional & from the heart & sometimes I blush when I read them back - thinking did I really share this much of myself to complete strangers?! Thanks for sharing a bit more of yourself with us xx

  39. Dominic - I would be interested to see your seven things too - funny how often there is something about one's nearest and dearest that we don't know. I have never liked parties - love small gatherings of friends for chat and a drink, but hate trying to make small talk with people I hardly know.

  40. Valerie - thank your for the nice comment - am so pleased about your jig saw that I shall most certainly buy it.

  41. Thank you to the rest of you - lovely reading your comments . I think I have said all there is to say really, so I would only be repeating myself to answer the rest individually - but am so glad you enjoyed reading my seven things - hope I shall soon be reading yours too.

  42. Lovely photo, Weaver and thanks for sharing the 7 facts. I don't mind moths unless they are huge and dive bomb my head, then I'm inclined to do the highland fling.

  43. Ooh, I love that photograph. You look like an elf.
    Bananas are indeed essential. But only if they are not too ripe.

  44. We have many similarities Weaver except I'm a pisces and I don't mind moths :) Neat to read more about you since I enjoy your posts so much.

  45. It seems we have quite a bit in common Weaver re the dislike of parties and arguments and being somewhat impatient about getting the job done.
    Hearing aids - yes I wear them too - have to, I couldn't do my job without them. I really couldn't get along with NHS ones I was issued years ago but invested in some when I became involved in teaching. The best investment. I didn't realise how much I was missing in conversations and I can now hear many of our bird species singing. The ones I have now come from Specsavers
