Thursday 20 August 2009

The Pennine Walkers arrive!

Absolutely on time the Pennine Way walkers arrived for my daughter-in-law to collect them at Hawes yesterday. They all looked brown and fit and healthy and the weather had been mostly kind, with only two downpours. After hot baths and a good cup of tea they were all feeling fine.I cooked a meal for all eight of us (four walkers and four family) and was very pleased with the result of Gordon Ramsay's recipe from last week's Times. I did a huge chicken with nectarines, onions and garlic (masses of the stuff) and it was delicious.

I forgot to take a photograph until the meal was almost over, so the table looks pretty distressed - but we had eaten well. There was a crisis about three o'clock in the afternoon when I wanted to lay the table - the farmer had to add the extra leaf into the middle (there is a handle to crank the table open) and as he did so the table fell apart! He spent the rest of the afternoon cobbling it together so that we could still eat there. This morning I have to ring the furniture repairer to come - it is a very old farmhouse table and we love it dearly, so shall have to bite the bullet and have it repaired, regardless of cost.

The photograph shows all four of the walkers - don't they look fit and healthy?

I am off now to read all the Transforming Moments from yesterday's meme, hosted by the golden fish. Have a good day.


Heather said...

What a wonderful day the Pennine Walkers must have had. That chicken dish sounds interesting and so delicious. Your diners all look very happy so you must be a domestic goddess as well as writer, poet, artist, gardener and goodness knows what else. It's a good job the farmer is a versatile handyman too, and I hope the repair to your table wont be too costly.

Robin Mac said...

That chicken dish sounds yummy. Hope the repairs can be done quickly, it is really sad when much loved pieces of furniture fall apart. We have a table starting the same way - it was a wedding present (from an antique shop) 41 years ago. Cheers, Robin

Anonymous said...

They do indeed look brown and healthy, and well-fed!! Glad the table broke before the meal and not during. A friend told me that their laden Christmas table, groaning with the weight of Yuletide fare, collapsed through their dining room floorboards,as did some tanked-up family members.It was a Christmas they'll never forget.

Unknown said...

Hello Weaver,

They certainly look a satisfied bunch! Guest house neighbours of ours had a tilt-top table that collapsed twice when laden with breakfast goodies! It was quickly replaced!

Pondside said...

I'm sure the thought of the dinner that awaited them must have spurred the walkers on. Lucky for them that you're now having better weather over there!

steven said...

hello weaver, one of the most magical two weeks of my life was spent walking the pennine way end-to-end. i loved especially the times when i was absolutely alone in a peat grough somewhere in the middle of an absolutely sodden moor, and also when i was in the company of other people hoovering back a pint of theakston's!!! you can feel the joy around that table!!! have a lovely day wandering through all the transformative moments. steven

Arija said...

Weaver if you go to Willow's post about her transforming moment, you will find the link to the meme which has a link back to you.

Gwil W said...

Weaver, thanks for the stars! G.

Leenie said...

Good for you providing a feast and a fun time for the hikers. Sorry the table rebeled. Best wishes getting it back in working order. A dining table can become one of the family!

SG said...

Ah.. all fit and healthy.. and seem to be enjoying a sumptuous meal!

Tommaso Gervasutti said...

Dear Weaver of Grass, thank you very much for your comment on my blog.
Now your blog is on my list, I am happy to have found a new one so full of England ( I live in Italy) and countryside.
It reminds me of Charlbury in the Cotswolds where I went many times to friends.

A pity the link to become a follower to my blog doesn't work, I'll try to enquire but I always feel clumsy facing the mysteries of the internet!

Kay said...

That chicken, garlic and peach dish sounds yummy, not usually that keen on our Gordon but will have to look it up!!! Hope the table makes a full recovery!!

Country Girl said...

Oh, they certainly do! A good hot bath and a cup of tea will do wonders for a person! Plus all the wonderful eats!!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Isn't that so typical that the table would fall apart with guests arriving? The meal sounds delicious and there seemed to be a few bottles of wine there too.Hope the walkers didn't end up legless ;)

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

It looks like a very lovely evening! And that chicken sounds delicious.

BT said...

What a welcome for your four friends and yes, they look marvellously fit and healthy. My brother used to live in Hope, Derbyshire, at the end or beginning of the Pennine way. They all used to gather at the Cheshire Cheese pub there.

I do hope you can get your lovely old table repaired. That chicken dish sounds lovely.

Aimz said...

yum that dinner sounds delish! What fun hosting some walkers at your house!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Yes - the chicken dish was good. The juices from the hen mingled with the sugar from the nectarines to give a sugary glaze to the whole thing.
Regarding the kitchen table, I have contacted a furniture restorer and he is coming on Monday to examine the table and tell us what needs doing. These old farmhouse tables are certainly worth repairs - it is very big and probably dates back to when the farmers' wife had to feed a dozen men at harvest time. (thank goodness those times are past)! I will post photographs of the tables workings (they are quite complicated) when it is taken apart.
Thanks for all your comments.

Bob said...

Hi Weaver, I'm surprised the Pennine walkers aren't still with you feeding them up like that!! It certainly looks a bit different to me in my little tent LOL. Bob.

Jinksy said...

Should think a collaspsing table would count as a transforming moment...