Saturday 1 August 2009

Bundle to disintegration!

Seth's big day has come and those of us who joined in his bundle project many weeks ago are today promising to post our new creations. He asked us to dismantle our bundles and to make a "work of art" out of them. Mine was pretty tatty by the time I took it down so I was pleased to read his comment that "anything goes in art" - giving us carte blanche to add bits and pieces if we wished.
I opened up my newspaper parcel. Much of the stuff I had put in had disintegrated and gone into a "mush" (well we have had a very wet summer and it had sat out in the rowan tree). I managed to salvage an old lipstick, a strip of deep blue scrim, some ribbon - and of course the layers of faded, damp newspaper.
I cut the newpaper into strips and spray-stuck them onto a piece of board - I then coloured it with the old lipstick here and there and laid the blue scrim across it, poking it between the paper in some places and leaving it outside in others.
I already had to hand a piece of gold-painted, heat treated Tyvek, so I added this and then, bearing in mind Seth's penchant for blue(!) I squeezed some blue acrylic paint onto a palette and splodged it on here and there without dilution.
I have not put it in a frame, but have laid a frame over the work in order to define an outline.
So here it is - bundle to disintegration to work of art. Hope you like it, Seth!
To learn more about the project see here


  1. Very striking, Weaver.

    I particularly like the complementary colour feel, with blue (my favourite colour, too) as the dominant shade.

    Thank you so much for pointing me towards the project all those months ago. What a journey it has been!

    ... and yes, here in Wales we have had LOTS of rain, too... I wonder how much of your original bundle simply vanished!

  2. This is amazing Weaver - who would think it was made from such humble ingredients! The colours are gorgeous and so uplifting on yet another grey, wet day. I'm going to try to track down some more entries.

  3. Those colours are gorgeous together....and the gold so dramatic. I love the way you use the frame to contain it. Good idea!

  4. That's amazing. What an interesting project.

  5. I saw this when you first did it Weaver and I love it even more now. It looks super inside the frame. That blue is so striking and goes so well with the gold. I liked the explanation of the process too. I think it should go on one of your 'new' walls.

  6. Like it a lot. Can it be made permanent?

  7. Very interesting project. Will you hang it on a wall?

  8. Hello Weaver,

    This looks faintly familiar! Still like it a lot though - blue and gold are my favourites too.

  9. The colours are very beautiful,Weaver of....Art!! I like the result!

  10. Gosh, I rather like it.
    Yes, you should save it!

  11. What an inspired project! The end result is remarkable, especially considering what you had to work with. Nicely done!

  12. Great results and a nice nod to Seth by adding the lovely blue. Well done!

  13. Nicely done, the blue ties it together very well, amazing what is possible with a bit of this and that and some courage.

  14. Well done! The artistic spirit can create with's when we don't create that things deteriorate.

  15. I really like it! The colours are so vibrant. There's a moral in here somewhere, but I suppose you know that!!

    Happy Saturday to you!!

  16. I love the colors! Great finish to an awesome project.

  17. Lovely cool colours, - it must give you a great deal of satisfaction, Weaver, to have created something so beautiful from a rain soaked bundle.

  18. love the way you put your piece together, it looks wonderful.

  19. This art work is very stunning Weaver. Do you think it looks better from a distance or close up? Like everyone else, I think the colours you used are splendid! I read Seth's idea and as he described it, the whole process was a unique concept.

  20. I love how deeply layered it feels

  21. Lovely, really. And such a great idea.

  22. Fabulous! Frame it and hang it.

  23. WOW This is BEAUTIFUL!

  24. I really like it! Who could have known something so beautiful came from the mushy newspaper?

  25. Luscious color. I like the words in the lower right hand corner: recommendations for (fill in the next word yourself). Lipstick! Cool. I once did a painting with makeup - face paint. It was pretty neat. I like your reintegrated disintegration.

  26. the gold tyvek looks really good on it.

  27. how wonderful
    looks like a painting
    great interpretation and project

  28. this is fabulous! i love all of the textures and hues -- gorgeous!

  29. wonderful colors and texture to your most original DisCo creation!!!

  30. Its beautiful!
