Saturday 27 June 2009

Here and there - out and about.

Another Saturday - how quickly they come round. The farmer is out cutting grass for other people today, so Tess and I have a day to ourselves. What to do?
First there is gooseberry jam to be made. We have the best crop of gooseberries that we have ever had and not a sign of either sawfly or mildew (largely due to early spraying I think). I pick four pounds, come in and make eight pounds of jam - a lovely, jammy smell permeates the house. The jars look good when they are all full and I feel good too. Then we decide to go for a walk (well Tess decides and I acquiesce - the easiest option). On the way past the vegetable garden I notice the goose berry bushes - have I really picked four pounds this morning? If so then you really can't see where I have been, there are still stones of fruit to go. Gooseberry curd next?
Shakespeare really knew his countryside when he said "summer's lease hath all too short a date". Already the wild flowers are on the wane and the grasses are going to seed. There are so many different grasses that I resolve to come out one day with my grasses book and see what they all are. In the meantime I take a few photographs of the more common ones.
We walk over the fields into the village. The grey heron precedes us, rising up and tucking in his long legs, only to land a few yards further up in the beck again. It is not until we reach the lane that he flies back, passing us on his leisurely flight and landing behind us this time.
We are visited by Mr and Mrs Curlew, both feigning broken legs/wings/beaks in their efforts to deflect our interest away from their wandering/hiding chicks.
We reach the road, walk round the village, call in at my son's (Dominic Rivron - see blog list) for a cup of coffee and a sit in their lovely garden, and then it is home again.
Watch this space later in the week for a spot of grass identification. Happy weekend to all readers.


  1. I vote for GOOSEBERRY FOOL.
    What a well spent day!
    Yes, this should be midsummer and it feels like May still.
    We put the air-conditioner on for the first time on Friday.
    It has rained every day in June. most peculiar.
    A pat for Tess and greetings to the farmer.

  2. A perfect day for you. And for Tess. And a most satisfied feeling coming your way looking at all those delicious jars of gooseberries!!

    If only I were closer, Edward and I would pop in for a taste!

  3. hello weaver! when i saw those jars my heart did a flip-flop as i love the sight of jars filled with fresh jam, or chutney or whatever. gooseberries are a fond childhood memory for me. we had bushes in our tiny garden in altrincham and i have the vaguest memories of gooseberry jam. ahhhh summer!!!! have a peaceful day, steven

  4. Such a poetic post!

    More, please ;-)


    Comfort Spiral

  5. Such a lovely post Weaver and full of poetry and practicality - seeing your beautiful pots of jam, we know you are a proper farmer's wife! Before all my offspring left home I used to love stocking up the larder with pots of jam, chutney, marmalade etc. Now there are just the two of us, and we are both trying to lose weight so such delights offer too much temptation. So nice that you are just a walk away from your son. I am only 5 mins. walk away from mine.

  6. New gooseberry jam on warm homemade bread with melty butter.....mmmmmm

  7. Gooseberry jam - sounds delicious. I'd be going for gooseberry pies next? Not brave enough for gooseberry though...

  8. Gosh you have been busy! So is it afternooon tea at your house with yummy gooseberry jam?

  9. Sounds like a great day! I've never had a gooseberry....would like to, I'll pop in and have some with you...sometime LOL

  10. I have tried and tried to grow gooseberries but our climate is too harsh for them.
    I love the sound of your walk, looks as if I will be grounded for weeks, every day I think the knee is better and it isnt so your photos are a great tonic.

  11. Nice collection of jams, some one has been busy.
    We had big gooseberry bushes as Children and used to eat lots now days they are seldom grown.

  12. Well you have been busy! We were both making jam yesterday. Our gooseberries aren't ripe yet. So far we've not had much success with them as they've succombed to mildew. This year we may be lucky. We have planted some more bushes on the allotment, where it is drier, so they will probably be better but they're too small at the moment.
    I love grasses. We have such a variety on the meadow but I don't think I could identify them all. I'll ask Jim about that rose, but he's away for 3 days.

  13. Hello Weaver,

    I used to make a gooseberry fool for guests when we had the guesthouse but folks can be funny about this fruit! Too many childhood memories of sour ones I imagine!
