Thursday 28 May 2009

Beautiful meadows.

I wish you could all see the beauty of our meadows today. The sky is deep blue and the fields are all buttercup-rich. I tried laying down in the grass (laying down was easy - but oh the getting up again!) and taking photographs, as it struck me that all the small creatures who live in the fields would find them like an impenetrable jungle now. The result is on my header - but it will only be on for a short while until I can take a better one - there is a very strong South west wind blowing across the buttercups at present. I make no excuses for adding another photograph of the two brood mares and their foals - that was also taken a few minutes ago on my afternoon walk with Tess. The little foals are already wearing halters - they start 'em young in the racing world.

Juliet of Crafty Green Poet has kindly named me for an award. I am proud to say that after much trial and error I have even got it onto my blog without my son's help - so thank you Juliet, it is much appreciated.

I have to name fifteen people I would like to pass it on to. I can't possibly do that. All the people on my blog list give me hours of pleasant reading and lots of food for thought - not to say laughs, ideas, and all manner of pleasantries. So if you are on my blog list and have put something on your blog within the last fortnight - then I hereby suggest that - if you like - you help yourself to the award as a thankyou from me.

In the meantime here are a few more mouse's eye views to enjoy.


  1. If I were award minded, I'd be honoured at having one from you. Your struggle down (or up?)to get level with the buttercups, deserves an award all of its own! xxx

  2. Fun new header! And the mommas and their babies are beauties too.

  3. I love your buttercup header and the fun of gracefully rising from a prone position in a meadow. I can only accomplish it by emulating a cow, stern first.
    Whaterve, wasn't it fun down there watching the ants wander about?
    Congrats on your new award! You richly deserve it.
    Love the mares and foals.

  4. Hello Weaver,

    I enjoyed tiptoeing through the buttercups this morning but didn't fancy a lie down amongst them! I shall try to keep up the walking and snapping. Watch my space!

    Your new header has a dreamy quality about it that suits the subject very well.

    Congratulations on the award too.

  5. I shall try lying down among our buttercups today! It will make a change from my usual giraffe's-eye view of the fields!

    Your photos look so idyllic, Weaver.

  6. Hot and sunny here too today - oh joy!

  7. Gorgeous photos... what a beautiful place you live in!

  8. How fitting that wonderful blade of grass in your meadow for your new header!

  9. I would lie down in that field too if only I could. It's enough to make one write a poem!

  10. I love buttercups, in my childhood, we use to make "crowns" connecting them and wearing them in our hair - pleasant memories - yes, laying in the grass would be the only way to capture them! (are you sore?)

  11. I can see, I can imagine, and I want to walk slowly through with that breeze. That would be lovely.

  12. I have Cooliris installed in my browser Weaver and love looking at your photos on a 3-D wall!

  13. I love the feel of fresh, tender, green grass... walking barefoot or lying down... lovely picturesque post!

  14. those are lovely meadows, very nicely photographed

  15. Too right about the struggle Jinksy - not for nothing did the poet write "Say not the struggle nought availeth!"

  16. Glad everyone likes the new header - it is certainly summery.

  17. Raph - don't giraffes ever lie down with their necks on the ground - if not they must get very tired of holding their heads up - I think there is nothing nicer than sinking one's head into the pillow.
