Wednesday 14 January 2009

Three Barks for the voice of reason!!!

Hi there bloggy - and doggy - friends. I have taken over this site today to jump for joy - well I would jump but I was spayed on Friday and parts of my anatomy are not up to jumping at present - so it is three barks instead for the voice of reason stepping in at Cruft's Dog Show.

My poor, old friend, Reg - a British Bulldog - has puffed and panted his way through life; on hot days he needs to lie down. Now they say they are going to change the rules so that Reg's breed will in future change completely. Bulldogs in the future won't have a jowl, or a turned-up nose and their legs will be straighter and longer. I wag my undocked tail to that, although as many judges are also breeders I don't think the changes are going to happen any time soon.

I also hear that labradors are going to be excluded from Dog Shows if they are overweight. There are one or two labradors I could mention who in my opinion eat far too much, so that could be good news too.

I'm a Border Terrier but you won't find me in any Dog Show with my undocked tail which resembles a Christmas tree - you are much more likely to find me half way down a rabbit hole. Speaking of rabbits, I must dash or I might miss one; there are plenty of the little blighters about on the farm now and they have got Spring in their tails.

So - 3 hearty barks for sensible breeding rules, even if they are only on paper at present.

Remember mighty oaks from little acorns grow!


  1. Ted agrees with you and sends his best wishes. He would not be allowed into Crufts either.

    What a cutie pie your dog is!

  2. I think most labradors LOVE to eat.
    I'm glad that the poor bulldogs won't have to snuffle so appallingly.
    I can remember the vet coming round with his big knife and chopping off the spaniel puppies' tails.......
    As regards Dave King's ponderings on high/low lit, I agree with you that anything that gets people to read is a good thing.

  3. Hello my fellow canine friend, (I can't see your name anywhere!) I'm Hals the Neckshund.

    This all sounds very sensible. We don't have breeding rules here, our necks just grow long anyway!

    I love to eat lots too - we have to make sure we take our owners for lots of walks, don't we?!

    Regards and woofs


  4. Best wishes for a speedy recovery,Doggy. Breeders always seems to be a little too concerned about rules and not enough about their charges.

  5. Thank you acornmoon - yes I know i am a cutie pie. Once these stitches are out I shall be out in the fields again. Love Tess.

  6. Hi Hals! My name is Tess. Pleased to meet you. Are you a vegetarian dog like your master? I take my mistress for a walk each lunch time but my favourite is my master, the farmer, who takes me rabitting (haven't caught one yet - but I will, I will! Licks

  7. Agreed Leenie. Tess is much more like her old self today. The stitches come out on Monday then she will be fine I am sure.

  8. Zoe has a great big feathery tail too! All the better to wag like crazy.

  9. Here's to universal voice of reason - woof, woof, woof!

  10. It's lovely to meet you. I hope you get to chase plenty of rabbits once you are up to it. :-)

    best wishes to your mistress,


  11. Hi, I just came here through the mad bush farm, just saying hi, your dog is lovely, I have a little terrier too :-)

  12. You'll be much happier without those parts, and I am so glad to hear your tail wasn't mutilated just because some stupid standard said it should be cut off.

  13. Designer dogs - give me a happy mongrel any day!

  14. Hi Tess!

    Yes, I am a vegetarian dog - my favourite food is biscuits spread with peanut butter! And lots of chocolate ...

    Woofs from Hals.

  15. Feathery tails are obviously "in" this year, Rachel.

  16. Thanks annie. I love rabbitting!
    It takes precedence over everything, even eating!
    My mistress keeps getting mailer daemon messages saying her comment has not be delivered to your site. Are you getting them - she does visit regularly.

  17. Hi Amy - thanks for visiting, shall pop over to see you, glad to hear you have a terrier - you can't beat them.

  18. Leilani Lee - glad to hear you are not in favour of docked tails! Tess has been giving me some very accusing looks since her operation but I keep telling her she will thank me when she is better.

  19. Unfortunately Mistlethrush I can't see designer dogs disappearing in our lifetime, can you?

  20. Peanut butter Raph!!? Sorry, I had a look at it in my bowl, but think I'll stick to my favourite tripe!

  21. Three big huge hearty barks for sensible rules for doggies!!!!Great to hear and it's goo you ahve been speyed and you still have your tail. A big hug for you today


  22. Our Bdog, Bronte, (a Lab) joins in. I love bulldogs, and my son had one once, that suffered from everything. Such a dear, though. What is it about Labs and food, though? Seriously.

  23. This is definitely a step in the right direction. Although, with their mixed lineage, Edward and Apple would not be allowed within 20 miles of Crufts or Westminster, they heartily agree with Tess!
