Wednesday 17 December 2008

Owl Time

For a few years we had a resident Barn Owl in an old tin barn extension. Then a gale blew down the tin and the barn owl left us. Now a neighbour has one which has taken up residence in one of his barns. A friend saw him the other evening just as night was falling. He was sitting on a post at the side of the lane, overlooking the grass verge. Verges are his favourite place, for it is there that he is most likely to find his favourite food - vole.

I have a small collection of Victorian stuffed birds, of which the barn owl is one. I am sorry about the reflection of the flash on the glass, but at least you can get some idea of what a beautiful bird he* is.

* for he read he/she

Owl Time

In that wedge of time

when the sun has gone down

behind the rise

of the moor;

when the sky is still

tinged with pink

and the moon,

rising over the bare

black branches

of Givendale,

is casting its silver light.

Then you might see him!

He will slip,


across the grass,

searching, searching

for the mice.

You will catch him

for an instant

in your headlights -

silent, white ghost of a bird.

He'll see you

with his superior eyesight.

He'll hear you

as you pass.

But his mind will be thinking

Vole! Vole! Vole!


  1. Hi, my name is Leslie and I live in the State of Arkansas in the USA. I love the picture of the owl and I am a creature lover. Blogging is the most fun thing that I do. I do all kinds of crafts, play games on my computer, and make my own greeting cards. I am a 70 year young woman.

  2. Great photo and poem, Weaver.
    We've got resident Little Owls and Tawny Owls but I haven't seen a Barn Owl for years.

  3. I love owls but have never been fortunate enough to see one. Such beautiful birds! Super photo Weaver. Great poem to go with this photo.

  4. What a beautiful creature! I have never seen an owl up close and in person. I'd love to get a photo like yours. Even the reflection of glass cannot diminish how lovely he/she is.

  5. lovely poem and photo, I've seen several owls but never a barn owl, I'd love to see one they always seem so ghostly...

  6. lovely atmospheric poem with sense of place
    like it very much

  7. Hi Leslie, nice to meet you. I shall pop over and see your blog in a moment. You sound fun.
    I too am a creature lover.

  8. Thanks for calling Pat. We have lots of little owls here - they live in hollow trees. We also have one or two tawny owls, but the barn owl is much scarcer, which is why we are so glad to see it.

  9. Yes they are lovely Debra. I think in Victorian times birds were sometimes killed to stuff, whereas now taxidermists only take those that are already dea - road accidents, hitting wires etc. I have collected a few old ones and it does give you a marvellous opportunity to really examine them closely.

  10. Thanks Poet in Residence - I take it as a great compliment coming from you.

  11. Thanks Rachel - I think they look so ghostly as they always appear as it is getting dark.

  12. What a beauty!
    We still have our resident Pheasant,who comes to the greenhouse every day, stays there all day to keep warm..then disappears at around tea time.
    I love the birds ;-)

  13. I like this, Weaver; succinct capturing of the animal. Great picture too.

  14. That was a beautiful tribute to the barn owl! Is it written by you?

    The poem in my post is part of a much longer poem. We used this verse on my husband's mourning card.

  15. What a beautiful owl - I haven't seen a barn owl since I was a child when one flew over my head as I walked from my aunt's house to ours. It just whispered above me and was like something from a fairy story. Your poem is beautiful too and 'says it all'. Thankyou for another inspiring post.

  16. What a beautiful, majestic bird. Never realized before how absolutely gorgeous they are. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Owls are such wonderful creatures. I love to hear the ones we have here in my garden. Great Horned, Screech and Barred. I would love to see a Barn Owl.

  18. Well, atleast "vole" is a safe thought for him to think. If he were thinking "plump lady, plump lady" I'd be shit outta luck.

  19. Hi Weaver

    What a stunning owl he is and the poem you wrote is just wonderful. those little voles had better watch out for Mr Owl and his keen sight. We have Owls here in New Zealand as well including the Barn Owl but I haven't ever seen one myself. I don't think they're very common here. I could do with one here on the farm to help clear out some of the pests. Wonderful post

    Take care and keep warm!!!

  20. Sal - thanks for visiting. We once had a pheasant who used to sped the night in our greenhouse to keep warm, Round here they are all semi-tame.

  21. Yes, reader wil, I did write the poem. The poem for your husband's mourning card is very beautiful and very apt.

  22. Thank you Heather and Teresa glad you both enjoyed my post.

  23. Pamela - horned, screech and barbed - fantastic - I have never seen any one of those.

  24. Woman in a window - nice sense of humour. Reminded me of Hitchcock's "Birds."

  25. You have problems with pests too Madbush? We often have a rat problem when they come in for the winter - we have to keep poison down permanently. We have farm cats for the mice though.
