Wednesday 24 December 2008

Christmas Presents

This is the Christmas wish list (taken from The Times of 22nd December) of children aged between 3 and 15, who live in the slums of Nairobi.

a mobile phone
a toy soldier
a toy car
chicken, chapatti and orange juice
shiny black shoes
meat and chapattis
a smart dress
food for my family
story book
sponsorship for school
red plastic shoes
some good boots
plastic flowers to decorate the house
corrugated iron to mend roof holes
really new clothes, not second-hand
sponsorship for secondary school.

to learn more, go to www.dfid,


  1. And what do our children ask?? A playstation of at least 700 euros. Playstation games 60 euros, i-pods. It's time to think of the meaning of Christmas.
    I wish you all the best for Christmas and 2009.

  2. Interesting and a little depressing.
    I think in the US and UK many children get too much - though I'm sure some get too little.
    When I was a high school teacher, my classes used to 'adopt a family' for the holidays and many of the young people got really involved and excited about raising money for them. Some didn't care a jot.
    Oddly, sometimes the most unexpected people were the most generous.......
    Maybe there's hope for us yet?

  3. It certainly makes one appreciate the things one has.

    Warmest Wishes for a lovely Christmas, Weaver. There's a card up on my blog - do feel free to print it off, (though the resolution may be low because of blog compression).

    PS I too like the Rupert scenes where his parents are astonished to see him in various flying contraptions! My great favourite pictures are the ones of the countryside - especially Bestall's. He had a great gift of conveying the lovely feel of landscape in the rolling hills and little copses and thickets.

  4. Very thought provoking. Some of us have definitely got our priorities wrong in this part of the world. I can remember wartime Christmases which were absolutely lovely. No turkey - too expensive even if we could have found one - and everything else in short supply. But people clubbed together and made the most of what they did have. Enjoy your Christmas, Heather.

  5. Thanks for the reminder. Best wishes for your holidays.

  6. "food for my family" - that really strikes the heart strings Weaver - how sad to know so many are in need of food...thought-provoking list.
    A very Merry Christmas to you and your family - wishing you peace and joy in 2009.

  7. Thanks for this post.

    All the best to the white rose county.

  8. Interesting you should post this Weaver. I'm going to be writing and editorial on those without for Christmas. My girls want to buy a cow for a family in Africa. We worked out the costs and we can do it in a few weeks time. Slightly over Christmas but we can do it. We set a Christmas budget this year and my girls chose their gifts. Normally I don't do that but they want a family without to have something. That's awesome.

    Love this post and it really does make one think long and hard about just how really lucky we truly are.

    Merry Christmas Weaver
    Liz and the girls

  9. Very thought provoking. It puts a lot of things into perspective.

  10. I did see the list. It reminded me of a group of very disturbed teenage girls I worked with once. They had such terrible reputations, they were described in barely-human terms, yet when asked what they would most like out of life, these were some of the answers - just the ones I can remember:
    A small house with somewhere for the kids to play.
    A husband who came home at nights.
    Carpet that goes right under the bed.
    Clothes that are not second-hand.
    A husband who wont hit me.

  11. Thanks to all of you for adding to my "food for thought" over Christmas. I think we all get far too much (and eat far too much) - it does us good to stop and think a bit about places and people where life is just not good. A happy New Year to you all. I am just off to make some good old fashioned mashed potatoes to eat with the left over turkey - can't face any more fancy food.

  12. oh, wow, do I dare to look further. It hurts my heart so.
