Wednesday 12 November 2008


The view from my study window, looking across
the fields towards the village.
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  1. Such a lvely tranquil view.
    Yes, looking out of windows is one of my big pastimes.
    I could look out of windows for the longest time.
    I was at school in Worcestershire on the side of the Malvern Hills with a view over towards Bredon.
    You can imagine how much maths and Latin I did!
    I am haunted by the view to this day.

  2. A divine view Weaver - what peace that must bring to your life.

  3. A room with a beautiful view indeed, and do I notice some topiary in the garden?

  4. I love the Malverns and the music of Vaughan Williams which goes so well with them, elizabeth

  5. acornmoon - the topiary is accidental I am afraid. The trees and bushes are our shelter from the prevailing wind as we live in an exposed place - so sometimes nature does a bit of topiary.

  6. Quite right Janice - it is very peaceful most of the time.

  7. Can I have your room please....

    Then again,I might not get much work done as I would be to busy looking out the window.

    It looks wonderful, Weaver.

    Best wishes my dear friend,


  8. so green and beautiful! I am just visiting from acornmoon. I love your dog and cat photos. I had a dog who was best friends with my cat too. So sweet.

    I'll be back, we seem to share many interests.

  9. the light is magical in this photo...

  10. Thanks for the comments everyone. Shall visit you soon.

  11. A glorious prospect!

  12. Stunning view - lucky you! And I can imagine it changing hour to hour...

  13. You lucky, lucky lady to have a study of your own and with such a magnificent view as well. I do think a room of one's own is all important and I no longer have one, and I miss it.
    Love your poem above, with that view, your pen must be flowing with words.

  14. I love this! The light, and the colour - all framed by the window. Beautiful!

  15. Gosh, this was my last visit. Must try harder Weaver, your blog is an inspiration.
