Saturday 1 November 2008

Memories of Venice.

The last time I went to Venice was in 1984, I hope to go back one day but in the meantime I have these two memories of that holiday. They were both painted, in oils, by my husband, Malcolm Rivron, who died in 1991 and they hang on the wall in my sitting room. Every time I look at them I am transported back to that week in late October, when the streets were almost empty of tourists, the weather was perfect and the sunsets were deepest pink. On the vaporetto going down the Grand Canal, we came across this hanging garden with its wooden walk way precariously balanced over the water.

During the week we went to La Fenice to see the Shanghai Opera Company - a most exciting event where we queued all afternoon for tickets to sit in the tiny stalls . All the locals sat in their very grand boxes around the walls. It was a wonderful evening - in retrospect even more wonderful as La Fenice was burned to the ground within a few years.


  1. Wow! Gorgeous paintings. I love that first one in particular. What talent!

  2. \yes Janice talent indeed. One day I will do a blog on his watercolours.

  3. I didn't realise that Halloween was your birthday. Happy birthday and many more to come! I like your paintings . They must be very special to you, as they were painted by your first husband. Thank you for sharing.

  4. What treasures to have in your sitting room! Venice has never made it on my itinerary, but I would love to visit there someday, even more so after reading this!

  5. The paintings are lovely. I like that little wooden walk way over the water. Quite unique.

  6. There's a drawing by Malcolm Rivron on my blog, if anyone wants to see more of his work: click here.

  7. Thanks to you all for your comments.

  8. What fantastic paintings Weaver, I would love to go to Italy my daughter spent a week there last year and just loved it.

  9. Beautiful paintings! They capture a feeling I find fantastic. Your post actually made me think of my Grandmother, an artist, who passed away a few months ago, and would have loved the life in the buildings. She was widowed at thirty-two and supported her four children through art.

    Thanks for your post; I have been missing her today. It fit into my heart just right.

  10. Wonderful paintings by Malcolm, grassweaver.

  11. Lovely atmospheric paintings weaver. Jim and I went to Venice for our first wedding anniversary, September 2004. It's a stunning place, so colourful and those streets, leading who knows where.

  12. Fenice is up and running again!
